Friday, September 22, 2006

Thank You Charlie Reingold

The Clown got up and proclaimed our leader “the devil,” and the reaction to this is silence. The Silence is deafening in most of the liberal world on this, including the major newspapers like the New York Times. I see nothing of it mentioned in their RSS feeds at all. This bespeaks of the level of incivility that the world has reached. When many in the U.N. clapped at the Clown’s speech, I saw confirmed before my eyes that the U.N. is a useless gathering of thugs, whom we should not support with a single dollar more of our precious money.

I also call upon all Americans to boycott the movies of Danny Glover, who embraced the Clown at the Brooklyn church, along with hundreds of Glover’s fellow racists and goons. People are afraid to criticize gatherings like this because they are filled with African-Americans, and they don’t want to be considered racists. The time for such fears needs to be over. These people are ignorant, regardless of their color, I don’t care if they are pink—which is not a bad analogy, since Chavez is a socialist and damn near a communist. Glover, Harry Belafonte, and their ilk have several screws loose, and this needs to be pointed out.

Anyway, I happened to see Democrat Charlie Reingold give his reaction to the Chavez speech. I can’t find this reaction printed anywhere in the New Left Times, but I want to mention it here. Reingold, a rabid liberal, told the Clown to stuff it. I’m paraphrasing, but Reingold said something like “Don’t come into my country and insult my president. You’re not welcome here when you do this.” God bless Charlie Reingold.

Several of my Repub buddies dismiss Reingold’s remarks as electioneering. They say he smells a backlash that could hurt the Dems in November. Yes, this is true. There will be a backlash, as Independents are tired of the liberal crap and lies, and goonish attacks by people like the Clown and Cindy Sheehan. Thank you Dems for giving us back the election. Only you guys could lose when you’ve had such an advantage for so long.

Still, I do not join my fellow Repubs in dismissing Reingold and other Dems who are condemning the Clown’s message. I don’t care if it is electioneering. Motives don’t bother me. Actions are what I want, and words. I respect Mr. Reingold for saying what he did, no matter what his motives are. If more Dems would say things like this, we the American public could start to respect them again.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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Anonymous said...

“Don’t come into my country and insult my president.”

he did NOT came to your country, he came to UN.

and he spoke about Dubya just like Dubya&Co and you speak about the rest of the world.

remember? 3rd law of Newton - or, for psycho-analysts - if you don't want to be called "devil", don't call others "evil".

having said that, it must be mentioned that that Chavez, as a president, seems to be no better than Dubya. He's just different type of malice.

Rock said...

We should all be as civil as you, right igor?