Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Left and Conspiracy Theories

For many years I was involved in research as a psychologist. If there is not a study on the subject I propose, then there ought to be. I predict that the outcome of it will clearly show that Democrats, and leftists, are far more prone to believe in conspiracy theories than Republicans and right-wingers.

Let’s take, for example, how people feel about Bush. It just doesn’t make sense to me, a rational person, how anyone could hate Bush, an obviously good man. There are five reasons you could hate him, I believe, if you are irrational:
1. He waged a pre-emptive war, in Iraq. We struck first, supposedly. Even this isn’t true if you consider that Iraq invaded Kuwait, was ignoring U.N. directives, was shooting at American airplanes, and was paying $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers in Israel. How much more provocation do you need in order to strike back? Facts to liberals, though, are like kryptonite to Superman.

2. He is a devout Christian. Lefties hate him for this because they imagine that he runs the country according to religious doctrine and not according to rationality. The key word here is “imagine.” When lefties imagine, they always imagine the worst. Bush is devout; therefore he must be a kook.

3. Bush is stupid. At least this is what lefties perceive. I can see how people might believe this, if they want to believe it. He has a hard time communicating. There are hundreds of “Bushisms.” ("I said I was looking for a book to read, Laura said you ought to cry Camus. I also read three Shakespeares. ... I've got a eck-a-lec-tic reading list." --George W. Bush, interview with NBC's Brian Williams, New Orleans, La., Aug. 29, 2006 ) These lefties, though, are the same people who will “ooh” and “aw” over an autistic child’s innate intelligence that they can see through the child’s behavior, despite that child’s outward appearance of retardation. The truth is, Bush is a brilliant man in many ways. He fails the test of communicative ability. He probably has an intelligence quotient of about 120, which is above average, but his mouth and his brain are not hooked up properly. He has some sort of disorder, probably akin to dyslexia. Lefties are not smart enough to see behind the disorder. They’ll give an autistic child credit for being bright, but not their president if they disagree with his policies or his political leanings.

4. The world hates Bush. The clown Hugo Chavez got up before the world and called George Bush the devil. And the U.N. clapped. Why? The same reasons that lefties hate him. There are no rational reasons. It’s all based on primitive, gut level brutishness. It is also the fact that Bush is good and is doing something about the world’s problems, and the world doesn’t like it.

5. Lefties are conspiracy theorists. There are no rational reasons to hate Bush. If you hate him, you hate him for things that are supposedly going on behind the scenes. He is dumb and run by a cabal led by Dick Cheney. He has secret designs to take over the world. He started the war in Iraq to get oil for his buddies. He wants to usurp more power for the federal government.
Lefties are more prone to conspiracy theories than right-wing folks. Lefties believe in astrology, alternative medicine, homeopathic remedies, Echinacea, alien visitations and abductions, and Oliver Stone movies. They believe that Oswald did not kill John F. Kennedy (Kennedy assassination). Their chant is something about the “magic bullet” theory.

It’s easy to see where all this started. It began in the 1970’s when Richard Nixon proved all the conspiracy theorists correct. (Watergate) Nixon actually was engaged in wholesale deception, corruption and conspiracy to undermine his political enemies. He had the whole government working to destroy people like Martin Luther King, hippies, John Lennon, and in fact, the Democratic Party. He was spying on Americans, and on and on. Our government betrayed us. The lefties never forgot this, and never will. They are scarred for life from it, and so are their philosophical heirs.

That’s the problem. We human beings, and especially lefties, are simple-minded. Nixon was bad, therefore all politicians are bad. Nixon was engaged in conspiracies; therefore all government officials have secret meetings on how to screw their electorate.

We tend to fight the last war instead of this one. Lefties are stuck in Vietnam and Watergate. They are blind to terrorism, Al-Queda, and the goodness of George Bush.

I so much admire President Bush for his tireless attempts at communicating his vision. Though he will never reach the superstitious left with his message, when he makes this kind of vigorous effort, his poll numbers rise, and the rational middle of the country starts to understand what he is saying, despite his Bushisms.

The Clown

I and my compadres can only persevere in speaking the truth. We will continue to be attacked by ignoramuses like igor (the dumbest and most psychopathic of my liberal audience), and by liberals who aren’t smart enough to see Bush’s intelligence. Judging by the reaction to the clown (Hugo Chavez) yesterday at the U.N., the world at this time is ruled by superstitious thugs and left-wing sympathizers who believe that aliens are walking among us, that Elvis is alive, and that the Bush family starts wars for oil profits. God help us and give us the strength to continue in the face of this mass hysteria and ignorance.


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

This Post’s Technorati Tags: Bushisms, Hugo Chavez, conspiracy theories, homeopathic medicine, Oliver Stone movies, magic bullet theory, Richard Nixon, Martin Luther King, Watergate, George Bush, truth

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Rock said...

Thank you again for your brilliant comments, igor, on world affairs. You are very amusing, I must admit. You are so funny you ought to go on the Daily Show, or Steven Colbert. I'm rolling with laughter. So clever.

Anonymous said...

Finally (!!!) you understood just how brilliant my comments are !

I think you should put them on the main page of your blog, right after your entries to which my comments are related.

Rock said...

Finally (!!!) you understood just how brilliant my comments are !

I think you should put them on the main page of your blog, right after your entries to which my comments are related.

You're right. You're so brilliant you ought to have your own blog. I wonder what you would call it? Igor's Brilliance could be a good tital. I can hardly wait.

Anonymous said...

please.... stop!... you are making me blushing.... ;-))))

Rock said...

I wouldn't want to make you blush, because that's a sign of real emotion.

paz y amor said...

Ha ha ha!!!! It's good to see you two getting along so well! It seems that you've hit the nail on the head regarding why folks around the world (not JUST Dems and libs) are very distrustful of your dear Georgie and why he lacks credibility. You can argue all you want about liberal media darkening his already cloudy image in the US, but abroad, that argument is null and void. These sure don't sound like conspiracy theories to me so here's a different perspective:

Reason 1 "He waged a pre-emptive war in Iraq"

Millions upon millions of people, in Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, Christian and Buddhist countries worldwide protested the Iraq war in it's first days. Iraq wasn't a threat to anyone and the NEW argument/"fact" I've heard from conservatives for the lack of any evidence to the contrary is that Iraq's WMD's were made in China and THAT information would have horrendous ramifications. In other words, I'm still waiting.....
The world knew THEN and continues to believe that the war is unjustified and even the "allies" (except Britain) knew better than to send large contingencies of troops because they TOO were skeptical. Yeah, those 380 Salvadorian soldiers sure are helping the cause...How about those 12 mine specialists from Maldova, where are they? The point is, most of the world realized that you need a little bit more of a rationale than "Saddam is an asshole" to launch an attack and invade a country. I hear post-coup Thailand just banned all political parties and it sounds like Democracy in SE Asia is on the rocks again. The general in charge of the coup is MUSLIM. (an "animal" as you call them?!?!?!) Call SOCOM, we need to send in the troops to restore order before AlQaeda gets a hold of it!!!!!

Reason 2- he's a Christian.
Liberals hate him because of his religion? Doubtful. It's more likely that people are disgusted with the idea that someone seeking the presidency would use his religion to pander to a particular demographic and garner votes. You hate the "pandering Dems" for that same reason no doubt, although their mantra is championing civil rights.

Reason 3. Bush is stupid.

Well you get no argument here and you'll see more of my rationale in my first and (hopefully) only blog entry regarding Bush and his politics. In fact, I'll post it under your banner if the invitation is still open....But here's a taste: Just the other day Bush said that he would send troops into Pakistan if information came that bin Laden was there, BUT he'd have to get permission from Musharaff first, "Pakistan is a sovereign nation" Bush said. Isn't that true of Iraq and Afghanistan, and every other nation the US has ever invaded? No permission needed before? He's made tons of contradictory statements like this regarding his actions since the war began. It's "stupid" to think that people will faithfully follow your words when your words work in meandering lines of logic. People around the world view HIM (Bush) as the greatest threat to world peace, not Al Qaeda. You can't blame liberal media for THAT now can you. You think he has a learning disability (dyslexia) but his IQ is 120? C'mon now. How can you quantitatively say that without him being tested? Where's the logic in that? Besides, do you REALLY want someone with a "learning disability" leading the nation? If so, should we open the Oval Office to someone with Teret's or a speech impediment? Point is, communication skills are some of the GREATEST assets a national leader can have- for the sake of his/her nation and for the world, yet the one you voted for lacks of it completely.

Reason 4- the world hates Bush

Again, no argument here. The world didn't hate Bush after taking a month-long vacation after a few months in office(?). The world didn't hate Bush after 9-11. The world didn't hate bush when we invaded Afghanistan. The world began hating Bush when he decided to figuratively say "fuck the world" and invade a "sovereign nation" (with a little help from Bulgaria and Honduras of course) without CONCRETE proof of Saddam's capabilities, and it all went downhill from there. Think about it, people didn't hate Hitler until he started fucking everyone else up. The same for Pol Pot, Stalin etc. Point here (using Newton's clever law) is that Bush's deeds caused him to loose favor around the world (action-reaction), not some innate idea that Bush needs to be hated.

REason 5- Lefties are conspiracy theorists.

Maybe so, but "conspiracy theories" are abstract notions that conspiracies exist. We know that government conspiracies exist, or else the CIA would have no funding and would not be conducting covert operations to assassinate people around the world viewed as threats to national security. The US government is NOT some benevolent structure to keep order, it's a BUSINESS (hello! budgets get passed on an annual basis)and operates on it's own self interest. Anything or anyone that threatens that interest, be it domestic or international must be eliminated by any means. It's naive to believe that conspiracies and government corruption DON'T exist. Did you notice your gas prices dropping a little bit in the last week, right as election races are heating up? Happy voters keep incumbents, unhappy voters kick their asses out. Low gas prices=happy voters. My man, your noble government is a well-oiled machine and we're all a part of it, whether you like it or not. The people who run that machine do whatever it takes to stay in control, even if it means turning into corrupt assholes. The more money a politician has, the better chance they have to stay in office and they bend policy in whatever direction favors themselves. Honestly, people are "stuck in Vietnam and Watergate" because Vietnam and Watergate have YET to leave the government.

The purpose of your blog it seems is to dispel the notion that conservatism is bad. The reason people believe that conservatism is bad is because of the way its portrayed in the biased liberal media with an agenda- or so you say. Is that not a conspiracy theory in itself?

Rock said...

paz, thank God for your return to comment. I was yearning for some intelligent back and forth, although I disagree with your thoughts of course. You have taken the gloves off and I want to respond, but I'll do it when I get off work I hope. Yes, I'd love to have your post here, in all its Bush-bashing beauty. Be back with you later. Shall I assume you are going to send me the post, or should I copy it off your site?

Take care.

As always,


Rock said...

Paz, let me start at the end of your comments.

The purpose of your blog it seems is to dispel the notion that conservatism is bad.

That’s not the purpose of my blog. The purpose of my blog lies in its title, and description, to speak the truth. I believe your side is the propagator of lies and mistruths, at this time in history, and that conservatives are on the side of truth. Again, your side has abandoned your great leaders of the past, like FDR and Truman and Kennedy, and gone instead to Al Gore, John Kerry, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and pick any other Democrat I can think of. A bunch of liars and dissemblers. Nowhere near the truth on any issue, from Iraq to taxes. A party of demagogues.

The reason people believe that conservatism is bad is because of the way its portrayed in the biased liberal media with an agenda- or so you say. Is that not a conspiracy theory in itself?

I don’t worry about what happens behind closed doors like you liberals do. I believe what I see with my eyes and what I hear with my ears. I see conservatives validating what I see to be true and liberals lying about it. I don’t care whether it’s a conspiracy or not. They’re either evil or stupid, and I don’t care which. What they speak is untruth, period.

Millions upon millions of people, in Muslim, Catholic, Hindu, Christian and Buddhist countries worldwide protested the Iraq war in it's first days.

Because millions of people believe something, that makes it true? I think the world is living in the Age of Dumbness at present, where clowns like Hugo Chavez, dictators like Fidel Castro and idiots like Danny Glover say the boldest lies and get applauded. It’s just an amazing age of barbarism. It’s hard to take and hard to believe.

The world knew THEN and continues to believe that the war is unjustified and even the "allies" (except Britain) knew better than to send large contingencies of troops because they TOO were skeptical.

They didn’t support the war, paz, because they all had oil deals (check it out) with Saddam. From France to Russia. Talk about conspiracies! Again, because the world didn’t support us, that makes us wrong? What a joke. The world didn’t support stopping Hitler either, until he’d taken all of Europe. Saddam wasn’t a threat? Another joke. He was giving $25,000 to the families of suicide bombers. You guys on the left are so concerned with Darfur, but don’t give a damn about Israel.

You sound like igor saying I said all Muslims are animals—I said the ones who support terrorism are animals, yes. And the ones who don’t stand up to their bloody brothers are cowards. Cowards and animals, with a few brave souls to dignify their religion. There are a few who speak up, but too few.

The point is, most of the world realized that you need a little bit more of a rationale than "Saddam is an asshole" to launch an attack and invade a country.

Saddam is an asshole? That’s what you call him? Igor’s an asshole. Saddam is a fiend, a torturer, a mass murderer, a confirmed user of WMD (gas), a rapist, a … shall I go on? That’s what you call an asshole? Again, igor is an asshole. Saddam is less than human.

You hate the "pandering Dems" for that same reason no doubt, although their mantra is championing civil rights.

Yes, I agree, their mantra is civil rights, but their actions are about as insulting to Blacks and Hispanics as I can imagine. They pander to you and tell you what you want to hear to get your votes. They don’t give a flying f about you. Bush, on the other hand, carries out civil rights. He hires Blacks, good ones, smart ones—I know, you on the left call them Tom’s, how wrong you are.

Isn't that true of Iraq and Afghanistan, and every other nation the US has ever invaded? No permission needed before?

Bush needed permission to invade Afghanistan? The home of the people who killed 3,000 Americans. Un-f ing believable! He needed permission to invade Iraq, whose country had invaded Kuwait, shot at our airplanes, refused to cooperate with U.N. mandates, and paid people to blow themselves up in Israel? Again, unf ng believable!

People around the world view HIM (Bush) as the greatest threat to world peace, not Al Qaeda.

Yes, you’re right, they do. Again, we live in the Age of Dumbness, the second coming of the Barbarians.

You can't blame liberal media for THAT now can you. You think he has a learning disability (dyslexia) but his IQ is 120? C'mon now. How can you quantitatively say that without him being tested?

I am trained to make such judgments. It’s amazing that people think a moron could win the presidency, twice. That means you think anybody can do this. You’re a bit naïve. He won because of his connections, you say, or his Daddy, you say. Thousands of people have better connections and more well-connected Daddies, and they don’t win the highest office in the land. Bush did, twice. Yeah, he’s a real dummy.

Point here (using Newton's clever law) is that Bush's deeds caused him to loose favor around the world (action-reaction), not some innate idea that Bush needs to be hated.

What “caused” Bush to be hated around the world is small-mindedness, cowardice, and pettiness. The world is peopled at this time with idiots, cowards, and fools. They vilify the good guys and worship the villains. Even Democrats are shrinking away from what the clown said yesterday at the UN. The backlash is coming, paz. I was pessimistic about the November elections just a month ago. No longer. Bush’s poll numbers are on a steep rise, and part of the reason is the kinds of things you are saying and your fellow Dems. Reasonable people won’t take this kind of crap. If you want to bet me, let's get it on. I bet you that the Repubs maintain control of the congress--quite a daring bet considering what people were thinking just a few weeks ago. Are we on? I didn't think so. You left-wing bloggers keep blogging. You'll make my day in November.

Did you notice your gas prices dropping a little bit in the last week, right as election races are heating up? Happy voters keep incumbents, unhappy voters kick their asses out.

As I said, Dems are conspiracy theorists, Republicans see reality. Market forces, including fears, oil supplies etc. cause oil prices to go up and down. There is no secret boardroom controlled by the brilliant Bush (or is he stupid?) and dark Cheney. If a hurricane comes now, prices will go up, election or no election. If oil supplies are discovered, prices will go down, period.

I’m not going to convince you of any of this. You, like your Dem friends, are believers. Your liberalism is not based on fact. It is your religion. That’s the difference between you and me. I will criticize Bush when he is wrong (ie., immigration). You will just invent a conspiracy to justify any position you take.

And, lastly:

Besides, do you REALLY want someone with a "learning disability" leading the nation?

No, I don't. It's not a learning disability though, paz, as you know. It's a communication disability. There's a difference. But no, I think Bush's inability to communicate effectively makes him vulnerable to attacks from the vicious left. I also think it makes it more difficult for him to sell his ideas. This is a major handicap. I wish he were a Ronald Reagan or a John F. Kennedy, or a Bill Clinton in this regard, but he's not.

I support him, though, because he is right on the key issues of our time, communication handicap or no. He therefore shows himself to be smarter than you and your fellow liberals, you who smugly think yourselves superior to him. You're not. He's the bright one. He understands the world better than you. He's right on Iraq, the war on terror, the economy, taxes, and a whole host of issues. He's wrong on immigration, and on overspending, that's all. That makes him brilliant, especially when he has to stand up to the whole dumb world to carry out these brilliant policies. Especially when he has a communication problem and he still stays the course, no matter what the dumb world thinks of him. God bless him. Thank God he's in power and not your side.

Always good hearing from you, paz. I get worked up about these things, but I do respect you and your right to your opinions. Plus, you are always respectful to me, (if not to Bush, but hey, it's a free country!), and I appreciate it. Have a good night, and day.


Rock said...

igor, I've only "met" one animal on this blog, and that is you.

Rock said...

igor, I imagined you were close to having a real idea yesterday. Guess my professional judgment was off. I overestimated your I.Q.

paz y amor said...

"Can Muslims understand this? Dialogue? Heavens no. Some of them must react by violence, and the rest refuse to condemn them. Animals. That’s all they are."

Rock, that's a cut and paste from your post dated 9-17-06, right under a picture of the newest pope. I doesn't sound like you're compartmentalizing one group of Muslims from the next my man.....

"Bush needed permission to invade Afghanistan? The home of the people who killed 3,000 Americans. Un-f ing believable! He needed permission to invade Iraq, whose country had invaded Kuwait, shot at our airplanes, refused to cooperate with U.N. mandates, and paid people to blow themselves up in Israel? Again, unf ng believable!"

I think you missed my point. My point was that your boy makes contradictory statements about his strategies. He SAID that he "needs permission" to invade Pakistan due to their sovereignty, but didn't need permission to invade anyone else (who are also sovereign). It's a major contradiction in rationale! How are we to know that Pakistan isn't sheltering bin Laden which is quite possible?

"Saddam is an asshole? That’s what you call him? Igor’s an asshole. Saddam is a fiend, a torturer, a mass murderer, a confirmed user of WMD (gas)"

Again, a misinterpretation. The RATIONALE given for invading Iraq was as transparent as stucco and it eventually came off as "Saddam is an asshole so he needs to be taken out." He might have been a thug, a fiend, a rapist and a gasser, but none of that is/was a threat to US security considering that his last known usage of gas was in the mid-late 80's.

"As I said, Dems are conspiracy theorists, Republicans see reality. Market forces, including fears, oil supplies etc. cause oil prices to go up and down. There is no secret boardroom controlled by the brilliant Bush (or is he stupid?) and dark Cheney."

No one said that Bush was in charge of some shadowy oil boardroom, BUT his family is HUGE in oil, has major connections with OPEC (who for the most part control major output and therefore pricing indexes- the Saudis in particular) and is a businessman by trade. As I stated before, politicians set policy (fiscal, environmental, transportion, defense, foreign) for their own agendas and the pres is no different. What was his agenda before getting into politics?
O-I-L. Has his family reliquished all their oil assets since he, his father and brothers entered federal offices? Nope. So it's naive to assume that his policies aren't affecting his BUSINESSES in a positive way. OIL companies have made RECORD PROFITS in the last year. If prices were raised due to pressures on the market, profits would hold steady, not skyrocket. Something's amiss in the land of milk and honey...

"It’s amazing that people think a moron could win the presidency, twice. That means you think anybody can do this. You’re a bit naïve. He won because of his connections, you say, or his Daddy, you say."

A moron surrounded by a group of intellectuals looks pretty smart wouldn't you say? I would've voted for Condi Rice, who is by FAR more intelligent and qualified for office than Bush. I agree that we don't live in the age of long emotional speeches and intelligent discourse (I guess we are an exception to that rule no?) and that makes it all the more likely that people would vote for someone WITH intellectual difficiencies. Modern elections are won based on massive exposure, not on intellect. As long as you don't say the wrong thing too loud too long, you'll always remain intelligent in the public eye until proven otherwise.

I'm feeling a bit longwinded right now and I forget the points of contention....Once I'm done with my post for your blog, I'll send it via comment section and you do with it as you wish.

Rock said...

paz, I'll again comment when I get home, but your comments seem very reasonable, though I disagree with some of what you say. I do apologize to you, to Muslims, to the whole world if it seemed like I was condemning all Muslims. I still condemn quite a few of them, though, the ones that don't speak out or who actually support terrorism. To the innocent, good Muslims, I apologize if my sentences were offensive, and I take them back. I do get disgusted with that religion because I continue to believe they are in great need of a reformation. May they have direct contact with a kinder, gentler Allah.

I'm looking forward to your post. Don't worry, I'm not going to censure it, nor rip it apart with searing commentary. I will comment, but I'll try to be very respectful and reasonable, as opposed to my usual.

I do appreciate you and respect your right to disagree with me.


Anonymous said...

I don't believe that your apology is sincere, Rock.

If you really meant to apologize, you would at least post your apology where the original offence was posted - on the front page of your "blog", not bury it deep inside a comment thread, where no one except a couple of people see it.

... thinking again, you would apologize and retract those words immediately after I have brought them to your attention - which was quite some time ago - if you really mean to apologize, that is.

I suspect you are just putting on some nice mask, to pander to paz, or something...

Rock said...

igor, paz is a human being, with a brain. I'll always respond to him with dignity and respect. You are an animal, with the IQ of a duck. Responding rationally to anything you say is like trying to talk to dirt.

Rock said...

paz, you said:

I think you missed my point. My point was that your boy makes contradictory statements about his strategies. He SAID that he "needs permission" to invade Pakistan due to their sovereignty, but didn't need permission to invade anyone else (who are also sovereign). It's a major contradiction in rationale!

There is no contradiction in rationale. He needs permission to invade Pakistan because Pakistan is a nation that respects international law. Who else did he “invade” paz? Kuwait? Are you defining that as an invasion? He invaded Iraq, a nation committing acts of war against Israel and us. He didn’t need “permission” to invade.

How are we to know that Pakistan isn't sheltering bin Laden which is quite possible?

Another Dem conspiracy theory. You guys always know what’s going on behind closed doors. You are so prescient.
He might have been a thug, a fiend, a rapist and a gasser, but none of that is/was a threat to US security considering that his last known usage of gas was in the mid-late 80's.

Saddam was a threat to US security because he was shooting at our airplanes (an act of war), funding suicide bombing in Israel (an ally of ours), preaching violence against America, and yes actual meetings with Al-Queda, plus harboring Al-Queda in his country.

So it's naive to assume that his policies aren't affecting his BUSINESSES in a positive way.

Again with the Dem assumptions. Always assumptions. Always conspiracies. Always you guys make the worst possible judgments about things you can’t see, about Republicans. Republicans are evil, plotting against the world, looking out only for their own business interests. The assumptions you guys make are monstrous. You think a president who wants to be a good president, would send American boys to die so he could make an extra buck? You guys have dark hearts.

OIL companies have made RECORD PROFITS in the last year. If prices were raised due to pressures on the market, profits would hold steady, not skyrocket. Something's amiss in the land of milk and honey...

I wish you guys on the left would take some courses in economics. Supply goes down, prices go up. Supply goes up, prices go down. Demand goes down, prices go down. Demand goes up, prices go up. Fear dominates and prices rise. Calm predominates, prices go down. Period. There is a worldwide market, untouched by any human hand. People bid and sell. It’s actually a commodity, paz, not influenced by any person, board, or cabal. The price goes up when there are more bidders than sellers.

The only cabal that exists and does have an effect on prices is OPEC, which can control the supply of oil. Sometimes they turn up the supply, and sometimes they turn it down, which does affect prices. Yet, their influence is limited too, since they need the money, and can’t afford to limit supply for too long.

Even the Clown can’t cut off his supply of oil to the world. He needs the money to oppress his people and stay in power.

The fact that oil companies make profits when the price of oil goes up? Duh! The same is true with gold companies, tin companies, farms that sell pigs or wheat, computer companies, every company. When the price of their product goes up, they make money. That’s called capitalism. I know you Dems don’t like capitalism, you want socialism and/or communism, the failed systems of the past.

Oil companies make RECORD profits as you put it because they are BIG companies. Their profit margin is about 6%, not any different from any other company. 6% of A LOT OF MONEY is a lot of money! 6% though is a reasonable profit, except to a communist or socialist, who want companies to make 0% profit, and the state to make 100% profit.

It’s interesting that you agree with Bill O’Reilly on the issue of oil. Good company for you.

As long as you don't say the wrong thing too loud too long, you'll always remain intelligent in the public eye until proven otherwise.

You Dems think Americans are morons, and you are the smart ones. I won’t say my opinion on this. I’ll just say that Bush is the brilliant one, despite his Bushisms and his difficulty communicating. He does not have intellectual deficiencies. Many Dems, though, do have intellectual deficiencies (present company excluded).

Again, sorry to be so harsh, but I’ve given up, for now, being diplomatic. You guys say what you feel, without hesitation, and you need to hear the other side in return.

Thanks again for commenting. I will always listen to what you have to say. You often have insights that arre worth considering. I hope that you and I and America continue to be interested in politics and make the right decisions in the days ahead.
