Thursday, August 03, 2006

Things That Don't Make Sense

The United Nations, which is supposed to be an organization for world peace, is a corrupt den of thieves that sides with thugs and murderers.

George Bush, who is the only world leader besides Tony Blair that sees the geopolitical chess game as it really is, especially with regard to the importance of Iraq, is judged to be stupid on international issues. Paradoxically, Bush is thought to be enlightened on the immigration question, whereas in reality he is ruining our country on that score.

Republicans, who are supposed to be conservative, are meddling in our private lives, and spending more money than the Democrats.

Israel, the most peaceful country in the world, is reputed to be a villain and aggressor, while the vicious Hamas supposedly represent the poor victims, the Palestinians. In reality, the Palestinians have always been the bad guys, the aggressors in a war of annihilation.

Hollywood stars are worshipped to the point of deification. They constantly make pronouncements on the state of the world, and some people listen to them. The truth is they are among the dumbest people on the planet. Many of them hardly have a high school education. They are good at portraying intelligent people, but they themselves have never read a history book, or studied economics, or political science. They have one goal, to be popular and loved. They think the key to that is to be liberal, and stand up for the usual suspects, like world peace, the environment, curing AIDS, and helping the homeless. Oh yes, and bashing Republicans. They cause more harm to America than communism, terrorism, war, pestilence and natural disasters combined.

This is just the start, don’t get me going. I invite you to add your own insights about the things that don’t make sense in the world to you.

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