Saturday, August 26, 2006

Clarification of My Comment Moderation Policies

I am probably going to post twice today.

This post is a clarification of my Comment Moderation policies. I am doing it because evidently I inadvertently deleted one of my Commenter’s comments. I so much value the time and care people take in posting their comments to my site, that I want to make it clear why I have Comment Moderation turned on at this time, and what could cause me to reject a comment.

I have purposely deleted comments from only 1 commenter. This person has written repeated comments that are racist, anti-Semitic, rude, name-calling, and hate-filled. The main reason I delete this person’s comments is the hatred that emanates from them. I choose not to be confronted with repeated anger and hatred. All of my other commenters have been respectful and rational, even when they passionately disagreed with me.

I will never reject a comment because I disagree with it. I will never reject a comment because it seems to attack me or my ideas. I am open to disagreement, and even attack, and even to a certain amount of ridicule. You can call my heroes names, and even express hatred for them. I will still not reject your comments. This means all you Bush-haters are welcome.

I will not accept racist remarks, however. Like calling Jews “filthy pigs.” I will not accept a continuous stream of hatred, as when someone seems so angry that they want to hurt people, or hurt me.

I went out of my way to personally instruct this person on what I will and will not accept, and this person openly defied my guidelines. Therefore, this person is not only full of anger and hatred, he is patently rude. I don’t like people who hate, people who are deliberately hurtful, or people who are so full of anger that they can’t engage in civilized conversations.

Racism is a touchy subject with me. I won’t accept it. One form of racism I will tolerate, though, because I must confront it head on. This is reverse racism. Racism against whites. I will allow anti-white comments on my site, because I want to reason with the people who hold these views. Most of those who hold these views are not, anyway, hate-filled people who want to harm whites. They just have views which I believe are mistaken, and it’s okay and even good to talk about this issue. If you are anti-white, I will not reject your comments. Say any and every outrageous thing about whites that you believe. I think you feel this way, anyway, because of white complicity, which “enables” you to remain in your mistaken beliefs. We whites are so timid about defending ourselves that we allow the world to define us. So, go ahead and call me a racist. Go ahead and complain about how bad whites treat other races. You are wrong, and I want the opportunity to explain why.

Likewise, I will call you a racist if I think you are. Touché.

So, in short, the only thing I want to ban on this site is racist hatred and intent to harm innocent people, like the Jews, and hatred towards me. If you hate me, please just tone it down in your comments. Tone it down to anger or disgust or ridicule, just not an intent to harm me.

Can I promise the same in return? Here I get subjective, and I know it. I hate terrorists, people who deliberately harm or murder innocents. There is no such thing as a race of terrorists. There is, though, a culture of terrorism, and a culture of terrorists. These, mostly, at this period of time, are Islamo-fascists. I hate Islamo-fascists, therefore. If you are an Islamo-fascist, I will express hatred about you, and even directly towards you. Otherwise, if you are a member of the human race, which terrorists are not, I do not hate you—even if you disagree with me, even if you ridicule me, even if you hate me.

I have a low opinion of Islam at this stage in their development, much as I would have had a low opinion of Christianity during the Inquisition. I don’t, however, hate Muslims. There are millions of good Muslims in the world, even though their religion is the fount of hatred, terrorism, and evil in the world today. If the good Muslims would confront the Islamo-facists in their midst, they could effect a Reformation, and then we could learn to love Islam, which I know has many wonderful aspects to it. Islam, however, does not have a central authority, and good Muslims are intimidated from speaking, so the radicals are the only ones we hear. This must change. Good Muslims must risk their lives to change the direction of their religion. Then, they will be listening to Allah.

So, in the meantime, I love Muslims, and I hate Islamo-fascists. If you support Islamo-fascists, then you are supporting evil. I will not hate you for this, but I will be hard on you for it.

To the Commenter whose comment I inadvertently rejected, I did it in one of two possible ways. Either I punched the Reject link by mistake, instead of the Publish link. Or, I did it that day when I purposely deleted some of my posts when I was trying to fix a problem on my site. I reinstated my posts, but discovered that their comments had been erased. I tried to reinstate these comments, and was successful, I thought, but maybe I missed one. I apologize for this accidental deletion. I’ll try to be very careful so it doesn’t happen again. I know how much time, care, heart and spirit go into making a comment, and I certainly will never reject any comment unless it is racist, profane, or hate-filled.

I will also try to find that post I must have inadvertently deleted by looking in my old emails, today or tomorrow, and try to reinstate it. I will report in my next post whether I was successful in retrieving it or not. First, I have to find it.

Thank you for your understanding.

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