Friday, August 25, 2006

Racial Discrimination Against Whites is Impossible

My reply I just gave to a comment is an important rant, I believe. So, I’m publishing it as a post. It is in response to the idea that Whites cannot be discriminated against because we have all the power. This is one of those liberal myths that drives some of us conservative Whites nuts, and illustrates how crazy making our situation has become. We are demonized as the racists in a society that has become racist against us. Unbelievable! Here’s my rant, polished a bit:

I think it's amazing that people just keep living in the myths they have developed for themselves. I reside in Los Angeles. Los Angeles now is officially an Hispanic city. I walk into any grocery store, anywhere, and I mostly hear Spanish, all day long. Many people who serve me don't understand me the first time I ask for something. I can go for hours without seeing a White face. Fine, I don’t mind diversity, but …

The last job I had the company started out as a diverse one, with Whites, Blacks and Hispanics in equal thirds. It evolved, rather quickly, into an Hispanic-dominated company. Then, the Hispanics took over management. Then, they started discriminating against Whites and Blacks. Because of this, they are being sued left and right at this time. When I say discrimination, I mean overt—with Hispanics being promoted over Whites and Blacks, with actual comments being made about Whites and Blacks, with any complaints by them being ignored, and so on. I'm talking Deep South in the fifties type discrimination tactics.

The idea that Whites can’t be discriminated against is a joke. I am the minority in Los Angeles now. I am often the only White at the bank, at the grocery store, at the City Council, you name it. Liberals talk about power? Where have they been? Our mayor is Hispanic. Our governing bodies are Hispanic and Black, with the number of Whites dwindling. Whites in Los Angeles no longer have power. And, we are being discriminated against.

If you are White, your chance of getting into a top California University is about zero, even if you have, let's say, a 3.5 GPA. How do I know? I worked with youth for years, and saw the differences. My Hispanic and Black kids got into Berkeley et al with 2.8 GPA's and my White kids had to go to Junior Colleges with 3.8 GPA's. This kind of thing is rampant. Minority businesses have preference. You have a better chance of getting hired if you're "minority." Business loans are granted to “minority-owned” businesses easier than to Whites. Construction crews are all Hispanic, and speak only Spanish. White construction contractors have been driven out of business.

Wake up, liberal America. Discrimination is discrimination. Even Hispanics tell me they are aware of racial discrimination within the Hispanic community. I am not trying to demonize any race or people. I just think that all races are as guilty or innocent of racial discrimination. In my life, in my hometown, in my schools, among my friends, I have never once directly seen racial discrimination against Blacks or Hispanics, and I’m being honest. I know it exists, but I’ve not had an actual contact with it. I have, though, in recent years, seen rampant discrimination against Whites, and been the direct victim of it, several times.

I said before that we (Whites) are the new American Indian (Native American-like). I meant it. We have been invaded. Our culture has been overwhelmed. We are robbed of our jobs, our language, and our power. And this is only the beginning.


paz y amor said...

Ahhhhh, I think you already know what I'm about to say. 'Perception'. I'm glad that you are able to give me something definable and tangible to work with as opposed to using just the age-old "affirmative action" argument. Now, I can't argue with your view of Los Angeles, I've been there and I've seen the numbers of Hispanics in certain areas. Move over to Compton however, and it's a different story, nothing but Black people. Head to Beverly Hills get the idea. I would assume, based on your description that you live in an area that is predominantly Hispanic and your beef is that all you see is Hispanics/Spanish speakers everywhere. I'm sure it was a gradual change where the neighborhood once was all White, Hispanics moved in, Whites moved out. Now Hispanics call your neighborhood home. It's called "gentrification" and it's happening all over the country, my neighborhood included- except it's not Hispanics moving into the area, it's White people. So what? Taking a more 'conservative' view on the issue, no one forced White people to move, it was a choice, and now you are in an all Hispanic area.

The difference I have with your opinion is that LA is not Charlotte, Detroit, Denver, NY or Atlanta and a lot of the issues over illegal immigration in California (AZ and NM too for that matter) have more to do with geography than politics or a blatant drive by Vicente Fox to take over the US.

To give you some perspective, Atlanta is known to be the "Black Mecca" for middle class African Americans. Everywhere you go, you will see at least one Black face and in some areas you would be the only White face around. Hypothetically, it would be easy for you, a White person living in those predominantly Black areas to say "Black people are taking over the country" but that's not the case across the board. Atlanta has a Black mayor, mostly Black city council, school board etc. but type of power central to one race is a rarity everywhere else the country, much like its a rarity for Hispanics or Asians.

Whites are being pushed out of jobs, and not getting into good schools. Valid point. Is this a phenomenon of your (not YOU perse) own making? CultureKarma if you will? The reason I ask that is because it seems that Hispanics in LA, (if I'm viewing the situation correctly) are doing to Whites, what Whites have done to everyone else for hundreds of years worldwide, and doing it in the same method (flood an area with people, change the demographic, eliminate competition, take over politically.) I am not denying that discrimination occurs to White people, of course it happens and I believe you in what you say, but you make it sound as if its a systemic program that rivals apartied era South Africa, and 1950's Selma by saying that modern discrimination
"happens MOSTLY to Whites" and "I'm talking Deep South in the fifties". Where are the dogs, firehoses and "Hispanic only/white only" signs that "put you in your place"? Where are the real estate practices that delibrately kept Blacks/Whites/Hispanics/Asians apart? Where are the impossible poll tests to keep Whites from voting? THAT is 50's era discrimination- quite different than what you see today. You CAN'T put a candle to what people of color went through back then, not today and not tomorrow.

Neil said...

"Discrimination is discrimination." Amen. To add to that, I'm going to pull up a dictionary entry real quick:

dis‧crim‧i‧na‧tion  /dɪˌskrɪməˈneɪʃən/–noun

1. an act or instance of discriminating.
2. treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.
3. the power of making fine distinctions; discriminating judgment: She chose the colors with great discrimination.
4. Archaic. something that serves to differentiate.

Okay, ditch all definitions but #2, let me repeat that alone:

2. treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person or thing based on the group, class, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on individual merit: racial and religious intolerance and discrimination.

The idea that white people cannot be discriminated against is absurd. Just like everyone else, "white" is a category. A common example of discrimination against whites is in public schools; if a white kid attends a primarily hispanic/black school, there will be discrimination/bullying of the aforementioned white kid.

By the way, I've been looking over your blog and rather like your writing style and articles. Though we have different types of blogs, I wouldn't mind a link switch: If you like what you see, get back to me and we'll exchange ^^

Rock said...


Thank you for your comment. I will respond to it as soon as i can, and go to your site also, either today or tomorrow. I appreciate what you said and will get back with you.

Anonymous said...

White America is going to need to make some adjustments and learn tolerance -- the day of White America being the 'majority' are ending. I am reminded of that old saying, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em."

Paz, your arguments are quite valid and your term, CultureKarma, is great!

What may now be occurring with White America is nothing in comparison with the treatment of Blacks. To know that blacks were kidnapped from their country and brought into slavery where they were often mistreated and sold as chattel, White America has nothing of equal comparison. To know that black men have been hung to death by lynch groups, White America has nothing of equal comparison. To know that blacks were not given but a few rights once emancipated, White America has nothing of equal comparison.

Do you not think that America has learned from these racial atrocities?

Rock said...

Lynn, to you and paz,

Paz, your arguments are quite valid and your term, CultureKarma, is great!

What a horrible, racist comment by both of you. I deserve racial discrimination because some white dudes were guilty of racism? What an awful way of thinking.

I deserve personal karma, not the karma of my race. Otherwise, you'd better include those blacks who were slave traders in your equation, and examples of present-day slave traders in Africa, who are the only ones left--who are black.

Again, Lynn, you are a victim of white guilt. If you are not guilty of racism, then you are not guilty. Period. Get over it.

What may now be occurring with White America is nothing in comparison with the treatment of Blacks. To know that blacks were kidnapped from their country and brought into slavery where they were often mistreated and sold as chattel, White America has nothing of equal comparison.

Who said they do? Of course racism today is nothing compared with racism of yesteryear. Still, racism is racism, period. All racism is bad. And it can lead again, knowing human nature, to atrocities. Get over your white guilt, Lynn. And paz, please do not include me in any racist formulas. I know you don't, but I just want to emphasize it.

Do you not think that America has learned from these racial atrocities?

Yes, I do, Lynn. Do you think the world has learned how good America is? How good whites in America are now? How we fought a civil war to end slavery, joined with blacks in Selma to protest racism, and, as with courageous people like me, speak the truth to open dialogue between the races. I am proud of our record. We've done a great job. Sorry you disagree, and want to ignore Abraham Lincoln and his ilk. Lincoln et al are the rule, and not the exception, as you seem to think.

Are you a racist? I didn't think so. Add another to the thousands of whites I know who are not.

Anonymous said...

Lynn, to you and paz,

Paz, your arguments are quite valid and your term, CultureKarma, is great!

What a horrible, racist comment by both of you. I deserve racial discrimination because some white dudes were guilty of racism? What an awful way of thinking.

Rock, it's a great phrase and I feel that it is a sentiment that implies, for ONCE, white America might just learn a real life-lesson. It is a phrase to use in jest, however, not something I truly would wish for.

Rock, you say that I am a victim of "white guilt" because I am recalling American History that shows the definate slant of racism against Blacks? And you tell me to 'get over it' because I bring these attrocities up? Good grief, Rock, where do your sentiments really rest? I will NOT forget history or 'get over it' because I believe in remembering both the good and the bad events that mankind has brought on itself. I can just see your logic working on the 9/11 disaster and the "Never Forget" slogan that is everywhere in our Nation. Would you DARE to tell anyone to 'get over it' ? Yeah, I didn't think so either!!

Rock, what you need to understand is that although I am mindful of history am saddened (and even horrified) by past atrocities that have occurred to black Americans, I do not believe that white Americas "owe" black Americans for the past. If this is what you believe comprises the guilt factor, without saying as much, then put it on the table. Don't soft-shoe this one, and no politically-correct sentiments allowed. Is "guilt" about paying the dues?

Two shames on you for this comment:
Sorry you disagree, and want to ignore Abraham Lincoln and his ilk. Lincoln et al are the rule, and not the exception, as you seem to think.

Where in the world did you decide to pull a quantum leap on me with that remark? Not only is this completely wrong, but your line of "defense" smacks of extremeism and has no merit whatsoever except that your sentiment sounds in alignment with white supremacy.

Rock said...

Lynn, to you and paz,

Paz, your arguments are quite valid and your term, CultureKarma, is great!

“What a horrible, racist comment by both of you. I deserve racial discrimination because some white dudes were guilty of racism? What an awful way of thinking.” 

Rock, it's a great phrase and I feel that it is a sentiment that implies, for ONCE, white America might just learn a real life-lesson. It is a phrase to use in jest, however, not something I truly would wish for.

Maybe you’re right, Lynn, on this one. If it was said in jest, then I apologize. I’m often misunderstood, and I know how it feels. We can all just do our best to be clear about what we mean.

Rock, you say that I am a victim of "white guilt" because I am recalling American History that shows the definite slant of racism against Blacks? And you tell me to 'get over it' because I bring these atrocities up? Good grief, Rock, where do your sentiments really rest? I will NOT forget history or 'get over it' because I believe in remembering both the good and the bad events that mankind has brought on itself. I can just see your logic working on the 9/11 disaster and the "Never Forget" slogan that is everywhere in our Nation. Would you DARE to tell anyone to 'get over it' ? Yeah, I didn't think so either!!

Rock, what you need to understand is that although I am mindful of history am saddened (and even horrified) by past atrocities that have occurred to black Americans,

So am I. I am saddened by the slavery the Jews endured in Egypt, by the slavery the Blacks endured throughout the world, by the slavery practiced by blacks in the Sudan now, and by the white slavery endured by young girls kidnapped into prostitution. It all makes me sad. And I agree, the black slavery was among the worst in history. If I could go back and fight against it, I would. I don’t think it ought to be forgotten, just as the Holocaust ought to be remembered. Mankind must never do it again. That’s why present-day racism must be abolished, against Blacks, Whites, Asians, and Hispanics. It’s all bad, and can lead to atrocities again.

I do not believe that white Americas "owe" black Americans for the past. If this is what you believe comprises the guilt factor, without saying as much, then put it on the table. Don't soft-shoe this one, and no politically correct sentiments allowed. Is "guilt" about paying the dues?

I was responding to your overall seeming demonization of whites. Maybe I read you wrong on this.

Two shames on you for this comment:
Sorry you disagree, and want to ignore Abraham Lincoln and his ilk. Lincoln et al are the rule, and not the exception, as you seem to think.
Where in the world did you decide to pull a quantum leap on me with that remark? Not only is this completely wrong, but your line of "defense" smacks of extremism and has no merit whatsoever except that your sentiment sounds in alignment with white supremacy.

Here comes the race card, as usual pulled against a white, by a white. I believe that black people are mostly good at this time. So are whites, and Asians, and Hispanics. Is that clear enough for you? Is that white supremacist? I love all people, of all races and creeds and nationalities. We are all God’s children. I will not be placed in the same category as David Duke because I defend whites. Otherwise, please place Jesse Jackson, Louis Farrakhan, and Al Sharpton in the same category. Thank you.

See, I didn’t delete this comment, even though I disagree with some of it passionately. You have clarified your stand on this hot-button issue, and I hope I’ve clarified mine. From the bottom of my heart I thank you for being honest. You are a good, non-racist, white person, and so am I. That’s how I see things.

Paz is a good person too, though I believe you both have a lesser view of whites than I think is merited at this time. There is not much more whites can do on these issues than we are doing now, except stand on our heads. If there’s racism against blacks, or whites, in some places, let’s get the bastards and punish them. If there is inequality, for blacks, or whites, let’s work to eliminate it. If there is injustice, for blacks, or whites, let’s eliminate it. We are all in this together. We are all children of God.

I got your back, please get mine. If someone hurts you, my sister, or paz, my brother, he better watch out, cause I’m comin’ after’ im. Your enemy is my enemy. Su casa mi casa. God bless you and keep on opinionating!

(I got your lost post. Thank you. I'll put it in tomorrow. Look for it!)


Rock said...


The idea that white people cannot be discriminated against is absurd. Just like everyone else, "white" is a category. A common example of discrimination against whites is in public schools; if a white kid attends a primarily hispanic/black school, there will be discrimination/bullying of the aforementioned white kid.

Straight from the horses mouth! You are so right LAevanesce! I worked with kids in the LA school system for years, and my white kids were bullied mercilously. Liberals aren't honest enough to admit such things. I don't want you to become discouraged by this, though. Read Larry Elder's books and listen to his radio show. He is a wonderful Black man who grew up facing racism and who let it roll off his back like water off a duck. He succeeded, and so will you. We do really all need to learn to get along. The first step is just to be honest. The next is to live in hope and love. Yes, and it doesn't hurt to know how to stand up for yourself in effective ways, hopefully verbally. Plus, your artistic abilities will bring you your real success. Follow your passion.

By the way, I've been looking over your blog and rather like your writing style and articles. Though we have different types of blogs, I wouldn't mind a link switch

Pretty smart kid, huh folks? I salute you LAevanesce! Kids like you give me hope for mankind. Love your poetry.

Anonymous said...

I just happened upon your blog, and I really appreciate it. I am a white woman in Atlanta. I value diversity, and I dislike racism as much as anyone. I am positive that whites face discrimination, just like any other group.

I have lived here for 16 years. I become frustrated more and more everyday, because there are more and more examples of racism against whites everyday. When I go to the courthouse, I do not see any white, Asian or Hispanic faces working as clerks, deputies, judges or security, even though Atlanta is a very diverse community with members of all races. The very place that should protect rights and preserve justice clearly has no time for me, my Asian neighbors, and my Hispanic neighbors. I certainly feel like a minority. Black clerks wait on black citizens ahead of anyone of another race. That is discrimination to me. I am certainly not represented by my government officials.

The most frustrating part of all of it is the anger it is beginning to fuel among non-blacks. Atlanta was proudly calling itself "the city too busy to hate." Races were living happily together, working side by side, all part of a community. This was true for several years. Now, the "black mecca" is blatantly discriminating against anyone who is not black. City Hall actually hung a painting in a foyer that said "It's ok to hate the white man."

This example is clear evidence of discrimination against whites, but it applies to other non-black groups as well. The huge Hispanic and Asian communities are ignored or spat upon as much as white people are in this town.

I am definitely beginning to see backlash to the discrimination, dare I say understandably. Non-blacks are fed up with the discrimination, and racial tension is rearing its ugly head again. All of the work done to end racism in this city is being undone, and rapidly. It's a serious concern to many, many people in the area.

Thank you again for your blog.
