Thursday, August 31, 2006

Lessons from Katrina

Katrina holds many lessons for America, if we want to learn them. These are the lessons that this compassionate conservative takes from this natural disaster.

First, human nature leads us to look to blame someone for everything, even for acts of nature. I have this same tendency, so I’m equally as guilty. The truth is, though, Nature was the main culprit. We could have been better prepared, and we could have handled it better, but in the main, Nature slapped us upside the head, and it hurt. It still hurts.

That being said, who does the liberal media blame? Bush. Bush first, Bush second, Bush last. It’s all Bush’s fault.

Who do I blame, an honest man much wiser than any liberal? I blame first, Mother Nature, second Mayor Nagin, third, Governor Blanco, fourth FEMA Director Michael Brown, and finally, I blame Bush. I also blame the stupid liberal media for never getting any story of any import correct. I blame Spike Lee, for politicizing the event. And, I blame the dumb American public. Yes, you are dumb America, and I think it’s about time you smartened up.

Why do you continue to buy the crap that the liberal media constantly puts out?

You know, I look at the historical heroes of the left. One of them is Edward R. Murrow. I can agree that he was a hero. He might even be a hero to me. What makes him admirable, though, is not that he was anti-government, or anti-establishment. What makes him a great man was that he relentlessly pursued the truth. Liberals mistakenly believe that their heroes of the past were great because they were rebels, or politically incorrect gadflies. On the contrary. They were icons, like Edward R. Murrow, because, again, they told the truth. If the truth is on Bush’s side, then telling it is the stuff of heroism. If the truth is against Bush, then saying that is heroic. Liberals have come to believe that simply being anti-Bush is heroic. It’s not. It’s cowardly, and stupid.

Tell the truth about Katrina. Busses sat unused. Whose fault was that? Mayor Nagin, the affable black mayor of New Orleans, the “chocolate city.” Whose state government was clueless in this disaster? Governor Blanco’s, another Democrat. What about Bush? Yes, he did a miserable job in this disaster. They all did.

What about racism? Again, the racism, in my mind, lies in not being honest about the whole thing, the pandering to political correctness. There was no racism involved. There was incompetence, not racism. Why was New York cleared and rebuilt faster than New Orleans? Because private industry was involved. Governments are incompetent, you liberals, don’t you get it? Don’t you see why we choose conservatism? Private industry works better than government programs. Billions were given to New Orleans. The incompetent Nagin isn’t spending the money correctly, nor is the incompetent Blanco, the great Democratic bureaucrats. New York, on the other hand, is a beehive of capitalism. Private companies are vying to rebuild left and right. So, their rubble gets cleared. Their structures and economy will recover. New Orleans, though, is left to struggle, as all Democratically controlled places are, with the blame game racists who cry “Woe is me, nobody is helping!” Help yourselves, you idiots. You’ve got the money, do something with it! Stop glad-handing and politicking, and get to work! Give the money to the lowest bidder, to the best capitalistic geniuses out there. You’ll have your levies, then, and busses that run, and a plan for the next disaster.

Wise up, America.

New! Rock’s Truth Forum. Talk with each other! Talk about me. Talk to me when I’m there. Rail, rant, compliment, disparage. No censorship. No comment moderation. Even igor is welcome!


paz y amor said...

I must say you give a profound argument for conservatism in this post. People helping themselves (and each other) in the aftermath of Katrina would have helped improve neighborhoods much quicker than has happened so far. Reliance on government is the one thing that has caused most of the nations poor to remain poor and I've always said that helping the poor learn skills to get them out of poverty is much more effective than helping them pay rent every month- but government programs don't invest in people- and who am I but a lowly educator. Needless to say, I must agree with you for the most part- the gov't failed and we ALL have a right to be upset.

The racism that I feel was a part of the catastrophe manifested itself in the government's (local/ state/federal) reaction. You can't deny that race and poverty had something to do with the complacent response to the storm's aftermath. Again, had this happened in Beverly Hills, the National Guard (who should be HERE instead of IRAQ) would have rolled in within 24 hours rather than 4-5 DAYS! C'mon man.... I won't go so far as to say that "Bush doesn't care about Black people" but normally when a disaster of that magnitude hits a major US city, the president pops up for a first hand look. Bush flew over in a chopper, waved at all the poor faces on the ground, and went back to sipping rootbeer and humping er, I mean branding cattle. Racism had SOMETHING to do with it, but more of it was due to government failures at every level.

Bibi said...

Hmmm...I don't agree with everything you say but you make some good points. Many people and parties were to blame for the response to Katrina/and lack thereof. And we cerainly can't control Mother Nature. But bottom line: this disaster happened in a nation that boastfully declares itself THE world's leader. Our prevention and rescue efforts on homeground were inexusably pitiful and shamefully representative of a third-world country.

paz y amor said...

Very well said Bibi. I never thought of the nation's rescue efforts as "third world" quality- but then again, no one's ever referred to Americans as "refugees" before the Katrina disaster occured.

By the way Rock, check out the Dragon's newest blog entry. You'll find a nice surprise...