Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Snow Job

I've only been doing this blog for a little over a month now, and still get excited about reading other people's blogs, commenting, writing my blogs, and getting responses. I enjoy all the differing points of view, and even the negative comments, really. No, I'm not a masochist. I'm just learning to be a true democrat (not Democrat). I watch my heroes like Bill Crystol and Larry Elder take strong neo-con stands on the issues, with good humor, cogent arguments, and persistent self-confidence. It's not that they know better than anyone else. They are open to being proven wrong. They just take the time to educate themselves, and really see the truth amidst the chaos. This is my goal, and to do it with as much class as I can muster, as much humor, self-confidence, and humility as is possible for me. Unfortunately for some of you, and I do say this with great humility, I am right about most issues. Don't worry, if I discover I am wrong about something, I'll admit it, and even retract. I consider this to be an act of strength, not weakness.

By the way, I’ll be changing the look and feel of the blog a bit in the coming weeks. Any feedback in the future will be welcome. I do want it to be a serious political blog, although I don’t mind being somewhat personal, and unique also. So bear with me while I try a few things out. Any suggestions at getting Adsense to target correctly?

Anyway, today's topic. Someone at the White House is doing a snow job, and you know who I mean. . He's doing a great snow job, and I mean this as a compliment. By snow job I mean "Snow" job, which is his usual brilliant, yet low key approach to the most important issues of our day. He continues having to dodge spears flung by the ubiquitous left-wing ignoramuses of the White House press corps, but he handles them like no other presidential press secretary I've ever seen. He doesn't take their bullshit. He even puts loony Helen Thomas in her place. I find myself cheering every time he speaks.

See this great video clip of Snow vs. the she’d be considered vicious if she weren’t so unintentionally funny Thomas, .

When the White House chose Snow to replace the ineffective Scott McClellan, it was thought to be a move to a “less insular” administration. This has turned out to be true. Snow is open to almost any question, and he’ll give you a straight answer. Plus, he knows what he is talking about. He not only grasps the issues, he is able to explain the administration’s viewpoints, and even argue them effectively.

A typical press conference is the left trying to zing him, and he zinging right back. Then the room goes silent. Then they muster up their left-wing vacuousness again, and come up with another non-sequitor accusation or implication. Then, he handles it with poise and logic, redirecting them to sanity.

The current left-wing bias of the week is that Israel is the bad buy and Hezbollah are just the snakes, and what can you expect from a snake? Snakes bite, and they kill. The Israelis, though, are the real bullies. They are “disproportionate” in their response. Snow does a wonderful job of redirecting these press corp airheads back to the realities that Hezbollah started all this violence. Hezbollah continues the violence. Hezbollah wants the state of Israel to disappear. You cannot negotiate with Hezbollah, since you’ve got nothing they want, except your death. So, you must kill Hezbollah. You must wipe them out, and extract their venom.

Snow won’t succeed in converting the Helen Thomas’s into rational human beings. He won’t transform the anti-capitalist, anti-democratic, pro-tyrant, anti-American press corps into good Americans. He will, though, speak the truth calmly, and with good humor, and some people will hear him. Magnificent snow job, Tony!

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Anonymous said...

rock said:

I watch my heroes like Bill Crystol and Larry Elder .... They are open to being proven wrong ...

Can you give a couple of examples of their openness to being proven wrong ?

Anonymous said...

.. wait a sec !

Who the hell is Bill Crystol ? Do you mean: William Kristol, neo-con loudspeaker of The Weekly Standard ?

Anonymous said...

hi...Snow vs Helen Thomas....

If Snow were in Karl Rove's place, we just might have picked up a few seats in November.......

Bad enought that, according to Novak, GOP will loose about 30 House Seats, and according to me, the Senate........But having Karl Rove speak at La Raza (The Race) did nothing to motivate the "troops" to get out and vote. What are they going to do next? Have Bush pray at a few SS graves as a sign of reconciliation?

Pity Bush waited so long (about 2 years) to get his act together enough to appoint somebody like Snow.


Rock said...

Paul, you are so so right. I don't know how you feel, but on some issues, like immigration and spending, I think Bush is about the worst president we could have elected. I think he's brilliant on Iraq, despite the obvious mistakes and difficulties (Lincoln wasn't so great in the Civil War either until the very end, and by sticking to it.)

People like Snow, however, can help. I suppose you're right. We're in for a lefty Congress come November. And at this crucial time.

Oh, well.

Thanks for your comments.

liberal_dem said...

Snow is open to almost any question, and he’ll give you a straight answer

...except for his phrase uttered as an answer to the question, "Why will he veto the stem cell bill?"

"Simply, the President doesn't believe in murder."

Pathetic, at best.

Rock said...

liberal dem, thanks for your comment.

Snow is open to almost any question, and he’ll give you a straight answer

...except for his phrase uttered as an answer to the question, "Why will he veto the stem cell bill?"

"Simply, the President doesn't believe in murder."

Pathetic, at best.

You're wrong, though. This was a straight answer. You just don't like the answer he gave. I am on your side of this issue, as you may know, but this is what Bush and Snow believe. You may call them pathetic for this. I disagree with them, but you are intolerant of points of view different than your own. I find this pathetic in the left of today. Give me back John F. Kennedy rather than the shrill voice you lefties present today.

liberal_dem said...

Rather, the Snow/Bush 'answer' is at best stupid.

Were it 'murder,' then the Federal Government would be ordering 500,000 murder warrants for the blastoceles incinerated each year in labs, research centers, and hospitals all across America.

Anonymous said...

rock said:

... but this is what Bush and Snow believe.

Ha! Snow is a hired gun. Thinking that he "believes" is uber-naivety.