Monday, July 10, 2006

Hollywood Nitwits

Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon's Hollywood Hunger Strike:
"Some left-leaners in Tinseltown believe they have found a way to promote their anti-war cause without skipping a gourmet beat.

Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon, Danny Glover, and Ed Asner are a few of the Hollywood celebrities who believe they can wage a hunger strike and get compassionate credit while having someone else do the fasting for them.

Now, that's the kind of hunger strike a limousine liberal can embrace."

                                                                                     Sean Penn, the number one  
Hollywood nitwit of all time.
The anti-American Hollywood airheads are at it again. These folks rail against environmental waste while they ride in gas-guzzling limos and cool their mansions with dozens of electricity-gulping air conditioners. Like Barbara Streisand, they advocate that the "peons" save energy by hanging their wash on the line, while they themselves buy the latest energy-slurping washers and dryers. They spread hatred by demonizing our President. They endanger America by bad-mouthing the necessary Iraq war. Now they have "peasants" like gullible Cindy Sheehan fast, while they, the royal celebrities, do a "rolling fast," fasting one day then passing on this "sacrifice" to another of their goofy friends.

They don't have a brain cell in their collective heads, nor a conscience, nor any semblance of character. They are vacuous dimwits.

Compare them with the Hollywood stars of WWII, like Jimmy Stewart, Betty Grable, and John Wayne, who supported the war effort vigorously, helped sell war bonds, entertained the troops, and even joined the armed forces.

I hope that there are other Americans who, like me, will resist seeing the movies, buying the songs, and reading the books of Hollywood airheads who rant against America. I will not stop myself from attending an especially good event or film, but I'll find it easier to go if they star professionals like Tom Selleck, Brittany Spears, Dennis Miller, James Woods, or Gary Sinise, who are good Americans.

Why am I so harsh? What about freedom of speech? I am harsh because these Hollywood nitwits have the blood of Americans on their hands. They have the right to speak, but in my opinion they are responsible for what they say. Because of the power they wield, they need to educate themselves on history and geopolitics, and avoid knee-jerk liberalism, which endangers America. They have the right to speak, but so do I. I have the right to respond to what they say. When they call Bush evil, that's okay, but when someone calls them evil, that's not okay? We have free speech too.

They are selling a product, themselves. They are insulting at least half of America when they demonize the war effort and the President. You'd think, just from a business standpoint, they'd at least be diplomatic. If they persist in being dumb by opposing the Iraq war, then they at least can say "It is my opinion that," instead of calling the U.S. murderers and so on. They cry "blacklist." Yes, I advocate a kind of boycott, but not one imposed by the companies or studios—rather, one lead by those American consumers who are offended by the Hollywood airheads' actions.


Kevin said...

Those actors don't realize that no one cares about what they think!

Rock said...

Thanks Shwagon.

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.