Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Chicago Weighs New Prohibition: Bad-for-You Fats

New York Times, July 18, 2006, By MONICA DAVEY. "Edward M. Burke, who has served on the Chicago City Council since 1969, when cooking oil was just cooking oil, is pressing his colleagues to make it illegal for restaurants to use oils that contain trans fats, which have been tied to a string of health problems, including clogged arteries and heart attacks.

If approved, nutrition experts say, the ban will be the first in a major city, following the lead of towns like Tiburon, Calif., just north of San Francisco, where restaurant owners have voluntarily given up the oils. In truth, while the proposal’s prospects are uncertain, Chicago officials have been on a bit of a banning binge these days in what critics mock as City Hall’s effort to micromanage residents’ lives in mundane ways."

Now here comes out the liberal in me. I love this stuff. Boo to tobacco companies. Boo to trans-fats. Yeah to the environment, health, and well-being of all kinds.

If the government is going to micro-manage, I want them to do it for health reasons, and for a greater quality of life. Stay out of the bedroom, you nasty Republicans. Don't mess with stem cell research! Put your Bibles away, and pick up a good science book.

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Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Rock said...

Anonymous. Thank you, if you are sincere. I got about 80 emails from you. Was that on purpose, or is this a spamming deal, or a mistake?



Henry Martin said...

Rock, check out the "Icon" in the "siganature." That IS spam. This one links to a mortgage company.

Rock said...

Thanks for the heads-up Henry.