Wednesday, July 19, 2006

God Bless Joe Lieberman

Lieberman Rival Seeks Support Beyond Iraq Issue - New York Times

By PATRICK HEALY, Published: July 19, 2006, GREENWICH, Conn., "Ned Lamont has become a political sensation in Connecticut by being a multimillionaire who wants the troops out of Iraq. But he would love, love to get people talking about other things than his wealth or the war.

Mr. Lamont breezed past Iraq the other night at a fund-raiser in Stamford for his campaign against Senator Joseph I. Lieberman. Instead he delved into Israel, jobs, Terri Schiavo, and his beef with Don Imus, the radio talk show host, who recently called Mr. Lamont a 'bug-eyed pencil neck geek." Imus is incredibly popular here in Fairfield County, so I have to deal with that.' Mr. Lamont said in an interview afterward. 'People need to know the real me, not just the war and the money, if I'm going to pull this off.'"

Ned Lamont also wants to be known for his positions on education.

God bless Joe Lieberman. He's the only Democrat in the United States, besides Zel Miller, with cajones (spelling?). I'm glad that Hillary Clinton appears reasonable on the Iraq issue, but Lieberman has gone further in emphasizing the real need to win there. He is also willing to admit the obvious truth, that no matter what, Iraq is better off without Saddam Hussein.

Left-leaning on a whole host of issues, Lieberman qualifies as a genuine liberal. He is anathema, though, to radicals like John Dean and George Soros.

Independents and neo-cons, like me, respect and love him. He is not so liberal that I'd have to hold my nose to vote for him. He is a good man. God bless you Joe Lieberman.

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