Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The 10 Greatest Sins of the Left

As I've said before, I could understand or even support the left of the past—which had heroes like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and John F. Kennedy. The liberals of today, though, are a different matter. I could write 100 greatest sins of the current left, but here are 10:

1. They build their philosophy on hatred. They hate Bush, Christians, corporations, the military, and whites, especially the white male. Most of them even hate their own country.

2. Facts don't get in the way of their theories. Michael Moore's garbage films and Oliver Stone's groundless conspiracy theories (JFK) are their religion. Noam Chomsky’s anti-American pronouncements, without basis in fact, are scripture.

3. They are weak on defense. They don't realize that their right to spout their goofy theories is protected only by a strong military. They are "anti-war," peace advocates, like Neville Chamberlain—whose "peace at any cost" philosophy, ironically, always leads to war. They are weak in character and don't realize that "There is a time for war, and a time for peace."

4. Most of them are unabashed communists now, or at least socialists. They can't see that socialism has failed as an economic system—witness Soviet Russia.

5. They supposedly are big on the environment, while riding in limos, air-conditioning their homes, and supporting the decadent energy-wasting Hollywood crowd.

6. They can dish out criticism, but they can't take it. They cry "blacklist" when confronted.

7. They hate anyone who speaks the truth. They punish any idea that is not politically correct, whether it is true or not.

8. In my opinion, they are racists. Though it is by now a cliché, I believe they are guilty of the soft bigotry of low expectations. In other words, they pander to minorities, so that they will be liked.

9. They want everyone to like them, and they want to be seen as good guys and girls. They are not willing, though, to really do good things. They'd rather give a man a fish, and look like a great person, than teach that man to fish.

10. They shamelessly engage in class warfare.


Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

Betty B. said...

Rock, I'm reading through your posts in an attempt to see where you're coming from. What liberals are you speaking of? This doesn't seem to mesh with any that I know. Maybe you are referring to Hollywood high profile liberals? With just a quick scan, it doesn't seem your views jive with the current platform of the Republican party. I assume you voted for Bush. How would you rate his performance as a president?

Rock said...

Betty B.,

Thanks for your comments. I am a neo-conservative, or what I believe might be called a true conservative. The Republican party at this time, I believe, is too liberal for my tastes. Conservatives believe in small government, and the Republicans are spending more money now than anyone in history. Conservatives believe in border control, and the Republicans don't, and on and on.

I'm not a pure conservative, however. That's why I am in the neo-conservative camp, like William Kristol. Neo-conservatives are liberal on social issues. I am liberal with regard to many gay rights, education, and moral issues, and so on. I am a hawk on defense and the Iraq war.

Yes, I voted for Bush and would do so again if he could be up for a third term. I feel he is brilliant on Iraq, but a disaster on immigration. He is a lousy communicator, but a good man.

I'm glad that what I described as liberal you don't recognize in your own circle. That's good, if true. I've never met a liberal, except through blogging Thank God, who could think. The liberals have come so far down since the times of Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy that it is a disgrace.

I'm sure you, if you are liberal, are not this kind of person. You are open-minded enough to reply to me, after all, and you seem intelligent. Again, thanks to you, a fellow seeker of truth I presume. God bless.

Betty B. said...


It seems that Iraq is the only point on which you are in agreement with current administration policy.

My father was a survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack (Navy) and continued to serve through the end of the war. My brother-in-law received the Silver Star during his two tours in Viet Nam. My nephew served in Desert Storm. Our family has a long tradition of patriotism and service to country.

I saw the men of my generation wiped out and/or scarred by Viet Nam. At least with Iraq it is a "volunteer" Army except, some might argue, for the misuse of National Guard conscripts. In Viet Nam it was 50,000 body bags. Iraq has it's official flag drapped coffins (but we're not supposed to photograph them) and collateral damage (a genteel way to put it).

I supported the campaign to get Bin Laden and the destruction of terrorist training grounds in Afghanistan. It doesn't appear that we were ever that serious about finding Bin Laden since the CIA has recently disbanded the unit dedicated to his capture. Maybe this means he's on ice somewhere? Islamic terrorists are not just in Iran and Syria--they are ubiquitous. Bombing them could embolden terrorist cells of crazies around the world and send them heading our direction. Homeland Security seems to be inept and ill-prepared despite pouring billions of dollars basically down a rat hole.

Desert Storm had the support of our allies and cost us nothing, if my info is correct. Iraq is being financed by the U.S. taxpayer, and I have a big problem with that.

If Iraq is about oil, the price is too high. If it is about nation building, it seems to be an ill-conceived plan, that will require our presence for the foreseeable future.

Then to top it off, we have blown the cradle of civilization to smithereens. I call it "old boys with war toys". We not only bear the total cost of the war, but we are now obligated to rebuild Iraq's entire infrastructure.

Just a few observations from my perspective. I welcome your input.


Rock said...

Betty B., oh, by the way, I agree with Bush on Iraq, defense, the economy, Social Security, minimum wage, education, Israel, affirmative action, and spreading democracy.

I disagree with Bush on immigration, his over-spending, stem-cell research, and injecting religion into politics.

If it weren't for his policies on immigration, though, I'd rate him as one of the greatest presidents in history. One reason I say this is that he is doing the right things, as in Iraq, even though there are so many people who, wrongly I believe, oppose him on this. This makes him brilliant, in my eyes, and tragically heroic. He will not be appreciated for his greatness in his lifetime, until the world sees in 50 years how democracy finally spread to the Middle East, and he was the only leader in the world (with Tony Blair and Australia's guy) who saw this as a possibility.

Again, you have a wonderful day.
