Thursday, June 29, 2006

Israel Knows How to Wage War

Israelis Batter Gaza and Seize Hamas Officials - New York Times: "In the West Bank city of Ramallah early on Thursday, Israeli forces detained 8 ministers of the 24-member Hamas-led cabinet and 20 lawmakers, including Deputy Prime Minister Nasser Shaer and Labor Minister Mohammed Barghouti, security officials said."

The Israeli's in recent years have found ways to reduce the number of terrorist attacks on them. The fence they've built has been an enormous help. However, when a person is willing to give up his life to take yours, you will not stop him all the time.

Israel has done most of what liberals would want them to do. They've given up territory and settlements. Yet, Hamas still attacks. This time Hamas tried a new tactic, taking a hostage.

Israel's response has been amazing. They may not get their hostage back, but no one can say they didn't try with all their might. Plus, they've been so ruthless that the Palestinians might think twice before pulling another stunt like this. The ordinary Palestinian folk will not like being in the dark with their food rotting in refrigerators that don't work.

Look at the way Israel wages war. They invade with overwhelming force, take out the power grid, and capture government officials. Compare that with the politically correct way we wage war in Iraq. We are careful not to be too mean. We want to win the enemies’ hearts and minds. Just like in Vietnam. Our generals are not waging this war—rather, the politicians are. The result? We fail to win the enemies’ hearts and minds, and we continue to get clobbered in the field.

What would Truman do in Iraq? In insurgent areas, he’d take out a power grid or two.

Look to the Israeli’s. They’ve got the ticket. They are the world’s foremost expert now in dealing with terrorism, and in how to wage a war. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, take off the gloves and win the war.


best modern design said...

The Israeli army is THE terrorist organisation par excellence. Israel is founded on terror and uses terror as a means to occupy and subdue those it has stolen land from. Last October for example a Palestinian child under fifteen was executed by Israeli snipers every single day.
Israel should go back to its pre 67 borders, sign up to the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty and join every other middle eastern country in pursueing a nuclear free middle east.

Rock said...

Thank you for your comment.

It remains the stated goal of the Hamas-led Palestinian government to annihilate the state of Israel. It is also their policy to kill innocent civilians.

Israel, on the other hand, attacks military targets. Although there is collateral damage, Israel tries to minimize this. If the incident you speak of really happened (and I doubt it did, since you probably got it from a leftist source), then it is an isolated incident, not sanctioned by the official Israeli government.

If the Palestinians would accept peace, they'd have everything they've always wanted--except for driving the Israelis into the sea.

best modern design said...

I think we can agree to differ. I lived, briefly, in Israel - a beautiful country. I get my news from everywhere, but I particularly like the Christian Science Monitor, online version.

Rock said...

Thanks again for your further comment. I too lived in Israel, as well as traveled all over Europe. My best friend in Israel was an Aussie, so I feel some kinship. I read everything, and watch everything, from Fox to CNN, from Noam Chomsky to William F. Buckley.

We will agree to differ, and I appreciate your passion.