Friday, September 08, 2006

Blog Appearance on Various Browsers

Many of you knew this long before I did, that your blog might appear quite differently depending on the browser. It turns out, and again you probably knew this, that Internet Explorer, which is still the world's favorite browser, often mucks it all up.

My blog, the way I want it, will appear perfectly in all the other browsers, but not in Internet Explorer. But, since IE is the most popular browser, I cannot ignore it. Therefore, I'm having to accept a less than perfect template so it's readable in IE.

I know there are probably other solutions out there, but I'm not there yet professionally. All I can do is keep trying different permutations, and templates, I guess. I just so very much like the classic Minima (expanded to three columns in my case.) Anyway, I'll have to keep trying to get it right, because I believe the appearance of a blog is important, and it's simplicity and ease of use.

In the meantime, I am looking forward to seeing The Path to 911, since it's making liberals angry. Must be good.

Catch you later.


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