Saturday, July 29, 2006

Ten Ways to Become a Liberal, For Dummies

1. Listen only to CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, and MSNBC news. Then, believe everything you see and hear on them. Never listen to FOX. If you are forced to watch a show or two on FOX, cover your ears and go “La, la, la, la.”

2. Read only the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Boston Globe, the Chicago Tribune, Time and Newsweek. Believe everything you read in them. Never read the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, New York Post, the Manchester (NH) Union-Leader, nor the Daily Oklahoman. If one of these is mistakenly delivered free to your door, use it for kindling.

3. Learn to chant. Good things to chant are “Bush is evil.” “Republicans are racists.” “Corporations are bad.” “Down with Capitalism.” Choose anything that sounds melodious to you and slams America or its president, our economy, our national spirit, and so on.

4. Whenever America is attacked, try and figure out what made the enemy hate us so much, and what we can do in the future to avoid offending them.

5. Attend liberal colleges and universities, with liberal professors, and write down every word they say.

6. Surround yourself with liberal friends who know how to chant, like you, and take breaks from your chanting to complain about pollution.

7. Attend Bruce Springsteen concerts and cry about poverty in Africa.

8. Take every good person in the world, and demonize them; and every villain, and make them a saint. For example, make Castro your hero and George Bush the devil. Praise Hugo Chavez and vilify Tony Blair. Remember Stalin fondly, but curse the memory of Ronald Reagan.

9. Learn to be anti-Israeli. You can throw in anti-Semitic for good measure. After all, Israel doesn’t deserve to exist. It has the nerve to defend itself, which is a violation of all liberal principles.

10. Don’t worry about people who die in the world because of your anti-war, “peace” propaganda. It doesn’t matter if there is blood all over the place as long as you are standing up and saying you are a good guy or girl. Just keep telling the bullies of the world that you are their friend. Remember, every dictator is good. Every defender of freedom is a monster.

There are other rules you can follow, but these ten will get you a long way towards becoming the kind of person that other liberals will love. You will also be welcome in rich people’s homes, the ones who feel guilty about being rich. Plus, you’ll probably even get an invitation to Osama Bin Laden’s 25th daughter’s wedding, where you can say hello to Jane Fonda, Alec Baldwin, and Al Franken. You’ll have a grand time, and rest easy knowing you’re doing your part for world peace and prosperity.

Practice your chanting now, “Get Out’ the Bushes!” “Get Out' the Bushes!”

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Join me in the war on error, in the fight for truth, justice, and the American way!


Anonymous said...

... sigh ...

rock, you are reducing your blog (and yourself!) to lowly mud throwing. Are you trying to get attention of Karl Rove?

Rock said...

igor, once in awhile I'll respond to you, with a particular and a general response, until I get answers to my questions, and until I see an honest debate.


If the blog has descended into mud-throwing, does this mean you liked my blog the way it used to be? Is that why you spent so much time responding to it?

Mud throwing is only fun if the mud sticks. I'm afraid that every point I make in this post is true. It's not just funny, or not. It's not just mud-throwing. Sadly, it's all true. You are a good example of everything I said in this post. Truth is good. And truth is what I'm about.

My regular igor response:

Who are you? What do you believe in? Who are your heroes? Do you like or even love a single human being in this world? Do you spend your whole day steeped in hatred, or do you give it a break once in awhile? What country do you love? What political viewpoint do you have? What ideology do you embrace?

Have a good day, igor.

paz y amor said...

Igor didn't take the bait (thanks for the response to my questions by the way- I think we both learned a little something), but I will.

1. FOX"news" has the same agenda as CNN, NBC, WWE, etc- RATINGS. If they were dedicated to expressing both sides of an issue, their conservative hosts would let their guests with alternative perspectives finish their sentences instead of interrupting them every chance they get. B.O. (that would be Bill O) is a master at this.

2. Ideally, people should read a variety of opinions to get a rounded perspective of an issue. As an educator, the main complaint I had with the pres in the first election is that he proudly claimed "I don't read newspapers." What kind of message does that send? For someone who has to deal with major global crises- reading about brewing conflicts ahead of time may have helped in his foreign policy making...

3. How different are these chants than the conservative chants, "Ted Kennedy is a nutcase", "Liberals are weak", "Hippies need to be drafted" , "We don't know if Man is causing global warming" and "Down with Islam"? They are ALL ridiculous statements intended to drive home an empty point!

4. If your brand new car breaks down on the side of the road two days after purchase, you get out, go under the hood and figure out WHY the car stopped. You don't run back and shoot the guy who sold you the car before understanding WHY you're confronting him. The problem I've had with the Iraq War all along is what I call "The changing face of purpose." First, we went in for WMD's, then it was to dispose of Saddam and the Baath party regime for their Al Qaeda connections (since nothing was found), then it was to rid Iraq of the insurgency (since they weren't connected to Al Qaeda after all), then it was to bring democracy to the region, then it was to give the Iraqis a better life, now it's to stabilize the region. My point here is simple, it's hard to understand a cause- much less support it- when that cause keeps changing. No one knows WHY we're in Iraq because it's been had an inconsistent rationale.

5. We need "liberal" perspectives just as much as we
need "conservative" perspectives. Extremes are never a good thing, a melding of the two (moderate) seems to be the best route to go regardless of your political viewpoint.

6. That's why I have you around my man!

7. I think conservatives have their musical heroes too no? Toby Keith comes to mind- and did you see that band who played on Fox and Friends- they had that song about immigration that went "If you ain't legal, you can't fly with the eagle"...I'm not making this up.

8. Quick history lesson- M.L.K. was demonized by the FBI and southern conservatives, Ghandi was demonized by the Brits, Steven Biko was demonized by Afrikaaners, Cesar Chavez was demonized by landowners. I think it's safe to say that even "liberal" heroes got it just as bad if not worse. (three out of the four I named were assassinated)

9. Taking out a crowd of civilians in order to kill one or two terrorists is an easy way for them to lose international support. Israel has a right to defend itself no doubt (just as the US had the right to take out Al Qaeda in Afghanistan), but their defense tactics are at times questionable if not reckless. It's not anti-Semetic to criticize Israel, just like it's not un-American to criticize the US.

10. Point taken, but I don't feel bloodshed is necessary to solve issues. Now if someone invades the country threatening our homes, pass me a gun, I'll be right there with you and I think most people would agree. The thing is, there is one country (China) that has the capability to bring an attack to the US- and they're not dumb enough to do it.

Rock said...

paz y amor, I see now more than ever that you are brilliant. Great responses to everything I said. I'll respond in detail when I get a chance, but how refreshing it is to see a rational response to what I believe is the truth. Well, yes, I am learning something too. I am open-minded, but still, definitely on the conservative side.

I will take the time now to agree with you on Bill O'Reilly. He's not one of my favorites, but it depends on which issue. I think he's a demagogue on gasoline prices. I think he's right on Iraq. (You probably disagree with me on both these.)

And, I dislike his tactics. Yes, he cuts people off. His ego is too much involved. He spins so much it makes me dizzy. I've emailed him dozens of times criticizing him.

On the other hand, most of Fox is not like this. Snow was great. Neil Cavuto is brilliant and fair. The judge (I forget his name) is persuasive both on the liberal and the conservative side.

I'll get back to you later with other comments on your great comment list.

Anonymous said...

rock said:
If the blog has descended into mud-throwing, does this mean you liked my blog the way it used to be?

well, "used to be" is un-applicable to a new venture, but, yes.

when you voice your view of issues, I'd like to respond, even as you admit you are just propaganding, and not looking for the truth.

but when you follow billoreilly and (try to) do smearing of a generic opponent - I'd stand aside and let you get drown in your own mud.

Rock said...

igor, I am propagandizing, for the truth. Can you get your head around that?

The truth needs propagandizing too. Because there are so many people like you propagandizing for lies and smears. I seek the truth, and I'll go the extra mile to get it across, which includes every form of communication used in any high school debate. The world is in a life and death struggle, and a battle of civilizations. Rather, it's the civilized versus the barbarians. I"d rather use every linguistic device than resort to your friends' tactic of blowing up people.

igor, who are you? What do you believe in? Who are your heroes? Whom do you like? What country do you love? What political viewpoint do you have? What ideology do you embrace?

Have a good day, igor.

Anonymous said...


No. Propaganda and truth don't mix. Like oil and water.

Rock said...

igor, does Radio Free Europe ring a bell? War bonds in WWII? Patriotic movie stars of old making pro-American commercials?

Besides, I repeat, all you do igor, is propagandize, but for the wrong side.

igor, who are you? What do you believe in? Who are your heroes? Whom do you like? What country do you love? What political viewpoint do you have? What ideology do you embrace?

Have a good day, igor.

Anonymous said...

No, Radio Free Europe doesn't ring bell, for the simple reason that RFE targeted Eastern European countries, they didn't even had a russian language programming. The radio that targeted Russia (USSR) was called "Radio Svoboda (Freedom)".

I mention this only because it is a typical example of your "knowledge" - which seems to consist exclusively of bits and pieces you had heard somewhen somewhere on TV (or seen on the Internet...).

As for the abovementioned Radio Freedom - as former avid listener, I hereby certify that it was/is the most propagandistic propaganda I have ever heard in my life. Nothing to do with the truth whatsoever.

Listen here, my naive american friend:
you may have a truth in your hand, but as soon as you omit a single (unconvenient for your purposes) fact from all the facts that are there - as soon as you do this, the truth disappears, and a propaganda appears - even as you make an honest face and claim that it's "all facts, nothing but hard, proven facts"...

Anonymous said...

... and the fact that is conveniently omitted from your "truth" about 9/11, terrorism, etc
is the fact of injustice that you (USA) unleashed onto muslim peoples after WWII, and, especially since the beginning of Big Oil Age in the 60s.

paz y amor said...

For someone who doesn't like Arabs, you sure are taking up for 'em. Just jokin Igor. Nothing justifies the mass murder of 3000 innocent people, nothing. However it must be acknowledged that one of the reasons Al Qaeda exists in the first place is in part due to American Middle East foreign policy of the last forty years or so. Check out this link just for a little FYI. It may be from "liberal" PBS (and I would argue that they are) but it's historical in nature:

Rock said...

paz y amor,

Okay, so I've read the article and don't see where the U.S. was such a bad guy as you two compadres seem to think. So we wanted oil, so what? Everybody did. If we were the big bad demons you guys seem to think we are we could have easily, with our military might, captured the oil fields and kept them for ourselves. In fact, we're the first superpower in history that voluntarily stopped being imperialists. You might argue that we are economic imperialists, but I disagree on this too.

Think about it. What did Rome try to do? Take over the world. What did Napolean try to do? Take over the world. England? Take over the world. Hitler? Take over the world.

We are absolutely the first superpower in history with the military might that could conquer vast regions of the globe that has resisted this. Instead, we saved the world several times, notably in WWI and WWII, from world domination by tyrants.

Yes, we installed the Shah of Iran, and that wasn't a good thing, and so on and so on. Yet still, if we were as bad as you guys think we are, we'd own those oil wells this day. There would be no problem for us to take over Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and even Iran, if that was our intention. Oil problems solved.

Man you guys just don't know what a good country you live in.

Anonymous said...

"justifying 9/11" ????!!!!

No way. My objective is not to justify what cannot possibly be justified. Murder is murder, even if perpetrators had legitimate grievanances - they are to meet the gallows. Together with their financiers, accomplicies, etc.

I want us (the "West") to see the whole, correct picture of that situation the History got us all into.


Because without full understanding, we would be unable to choose the right path out of this conflict of civilisation. And events of years since 9/11 are the bitter proof of this common sense: to make the right decision, one must have full, objective view of the situation.

Neo-cons, who had highjacked US foreign policy, took a skewed, one-sided view of the situation that fit their ideology, spinned the Joe-6-pack-compatible version that "everything is the fault of some "terrorists", let's kill the fuckers!", made the decisions, and - here we are today:

a) 9/11 perpetrators not only haven't been apprehended, but effectively allowed to continue to live ("guys, just sit tight somewhere and continue to send out jihadist proclamations - we need you to drum up the "war on terror" drums". Does anyone remember "war on drugs"?)

- all the while - and this JUST MAKES ME FUCKING MAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - the real force behind islamists' drive - wahhabism and saudi money ARE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE their dash to enslave the world un-challenged.

do you want to be surprised, rock? get this: neither Iran, nor Syria, nor Taliban have/everhad any interest in the world beyond their borders (beyond borders of muslim lands, at most) - with the (understandable) exception of Israel.

Even you, rock, yourself, qouted al-Queda to wanting caliphat only "from Spain to Mideast". mmmm... reluctantly I hope, you do know the history of Spain, rock?

all this talk about "evil" Iran, Syria, Taliban is a total bullshit.

The only strain of Islam that really wants the caliphat to engulf the whole world is wahhabism. Remind me, when was the last time the bright truth-searching light of Foxnews targeted wahhabies and saudies ? just as I guessed, Noooooo, we cannot touch saudies, there are our friends (ie friends of bushes), and our allies, and ... allies my ass!

b) the conflict of civilisation not only wasn't amended, but was deepened periously ... and there is talk of WWIII (or WWIV, depending on a pundit...)

c) America became the main world villain and uber-imperialist in the eyes of whole world. And it doesn't matter that it is not so in reality, if everyone thinks so - it's the fact.

So, thank you, dear neo-cons, for getting us into this deep shit!

I claim: it's all due to (American's) one-sided, incorrect, "understanding" of what 9/11 was about. The same "understanding" you, rock, trys to propagandize in this your blog.

PS: sorry for possible typos - it was pretty emotional post to me.

Rock said...

That's okay igor, this post of yours finally did make some sense to me. I don't agree of course, but I understand now where you're coming from.

Let me correct you. Fox is always going after Saudi Arabia. It's just Bush who doesn't, and Republicans. I agree with your thoughts about Wahabiism, and so on.

According to your logic though about Spain, the Native Americans should get back America (you probably agree with this), and the Mongols should get back most of Europe, and so on and so on. But, why don't you take that logic further, you do know the history of the Middle East don't you? The Jews ruled Palestine more than once in history. They should get their lands back too.

Neo-cons by the way are a relatively new force. It's amazing and illogical that you blame all of America's ills on them. Clinton wasn't a neo-con, and his policies lead directly to 9/11.

I repeat, neo-cons at this time in history are the brightest, best people on earth. May God bless them and keep them from this viciousness that is our political climate now.

Whom do you love? Who are your heroes? What is your political philosophy, igor? I never saw such a timid soul in my life. Stand up for what you believe (even though you're dead wrong)!

Anonymous said...

what's wrong with you, rock?

why do you attribute to me words I didn't say - that "muslims has right to Spain"? Do you actually read what I post?

my comment about Spain was no more than explanation (hint, actually) of why muslims claim it, I said it in case you don't know the history. How you "deduce" from it that I "support" that claim - that's beyond me....

are you sure that bill oreilly is not your hero? because you just used a staple trick of his...

Rock said...

igor, I do like Bill O'Reilly sometimes, but not always. You keep accusing me of copying other people. I am my own man. I make up my own mind. I use my own communication style. Nothing is copied.

Whenever I say something like "I am a neo-con," igor, this doesn't mean that I look at neo-cons and try to be like them. It's the opposite. I decide what I believe, what makes sense to me, and then find that the neo-cons agree with me. I don't look to neo-cons for guidance. I just find they are more in tune with what I believe. O'Reilly is wrong as often as he is right.

It takes a bright person to recognize brilliance, igor. It is pretty dumb to keep underestimating people.

Anonymous said...

ok, ok, what about Spain?

paz y amor said...

I have to say that I'm digging this discussion more and more everyday! Igor I don't want you to think that I was accusing YOU of justifying 9-11. I was saying that in a general sense and that it has been justified by extremists-
You brought up some interesting new insight. Rock, I included that article to show how the US could be PERCEIVED as meddlesome in the Middle East (along the lines of what Igor said, line c) and how our activities- beneficial or not- have come back to haunt us. As someone who has seen first hand what life can be like in poverty stricken nations (Ecuador, Mexico, Morrocco), I'm fully aware of the luck I've had being born in the US-the ONLY nation in the world with a sizable population of poor that is OBESE. Things have to be good here when the people who have the least are able to eat the most, but that's a topic for a different day.

paz y amor said...

By the way Rock that cartoon at the heading had me laughing my ass off!!! Igor, alien topics are welcome in my blog anytime!

Rock said...

Thanks for your comments, paz y amor, and I'm glad you liked the cartoon. I like it too. You've added a lot to these discussions, and I think brought out some good arguments from igor.

Yes, I understand how we can be perceived in the world, you're right. I just think we get a bum rap.

Have a good day.

Anonymous said...

At the end of Gulf War, US called for Iraqi people to rebel against Saddam and US promised to support uprising. I heard those promises on Voice of America with my own ears. Both Kurds and Shiits took heart in American promises and started fighting. And Americans just sat there and watched how Saddam drowned the uprisings in blood. Americans even allowed Saddam to use helicopters.

And this is only one example of American (western) policy towards muslims after WWII, though, admittedly, one of the bloodest.

rock says: I just think we get a bum rap.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to wear your ribbon! THAT really accomplishes quite a bit with a liberal.