Friday, July 28, 2006

World War III?

Newt Gingrich's declaration on Meet the Press that World War III has already started, brought a quick demurral from Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), who was also a guest on the show. According to Jay Bryant, though, Newt is Right: It's World War III, Yahoo News.

Gingrich is dead-on right, no matter how incendiary his language may be. The events of the intervening weeks, mostly around the Israel-Lebanon border, lend credence to his position. What's more, these events also suggest that the good guys are no more assured of winning World War III than they were, at the outset, of winning either World War I or World War II.

Gingrich's warning is, for many, a very inconvenient truth. But the failure to recognize this truth, and act accordingly, will lead to the downfall of Western civilization long before global warming even has us breaking a sweat.

Is Newt right? Are we in WWIII?

I think it’s important to characterize the present struggle accurately. The reason is that in order to fight it effectively, the American public, and the publics of other countries who are struggling with us, need to know what to expect, and what is required of them to win.

There is a difference between a war and a battle against insurgencies, or against terrorists. War is what happened with Napoleon, and in the Spanish-American War, and with World War I, World War II, and the Korean War. It is two or more armies, wearing uniforms, openly fighting.

An insurgency is an armed uprising, revolt, or insurrection against an established civil or political authority. Persons engaging in insurgency are called insurgents, and typically engage in regular or guerrilla combat against the armed forces of the established regime, or conduct sabotage and harassment in the land.*

Insurgencies are what has happened in the Philippines, as with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Insurgency took place in Vietnam in the south. Vietnam is interesting in that it was both a war and an insurgency. There were two armies in open conflict, but there was also an insurgency among the people in the south. Insurgency also occurred in Cuba, and in El Salvador.

Terrorism refers to a strategy of using violence, or threat of violence targeted against non-combatants to generate fear, cause disruption, and ultimately, to bring about compliance with specific political, religious, ideological, and personal demands. The targets of terrorist attacks typically are not the individuals who are killed, injured, or taken hostage, but rather the societies to which these individuals belong. Terrorism is a type of unconventional warfare designed to weaken or supplant existing political landscapes through capitulation or acquiescence, as opposed to subversion or direct military action. The broader influence of terrorism in the modern world is often attributed to the dramatic focus of mass media in amplifying feelings of intense fear and anger.*

Terror is what is going on in Spain with the Basques. It took place in Ireland with the IRA. It is happening in Iraq with Al-Queda. Notice that many of the fighters for Al-Queda are not Iraqis. They can hardly be called an insurgency.

Both insurgencies and terrorism are examples of asymmetric warfare.

This is a term that describes a military situation in which two belligerents of unequal strength interact and take advantage of their respective strengths and weaknesses. This interaction often involves strategies and tactics outside the bounds of conventional warfare.*

The reason for asymmetrical warfare is that one side is overwhelmed by the military might of the other. The Palestinians cannot defeat the Israeli army toe-to-toe. Al-Queda cannot battle the Americans army-to-army. So, they resort to asymmetrical warfare, in this case, terror.

What does Al-Queda want? A country? Yes, but more.

Al-Queda, and other Islamic fundamentalists, hate infidels. They don’t just want to take over the government of Iraq, they want to terrorize the populace away from the West and Western values and democracy. Yassin Musharbash, in an article for Spiegel Online, August 12, 2005, entitled What al-Qaida Really Wants, refers to Jordanian journalist Fouad Hussein, who has good contacts with Al Queda. He not only spent time in prison with al-Zarqawi, but has also made contact with many of the network's leaders. Based on correspondence with these sources, he has now brought out a book (still written only in Arabic), detailing the organization's master plan, which involves seven-steps to establish an Islamic caliphate by the year 2020. This caliphate would stretch from Spain to the Middle East.

So, is Newt Gingrich correct? Are we are entering World War III? Considering all the definitions, and the intentions of the enemy, the answer is no, not exactly.

This will not be a “war,” in the sense of two or more armies, wearing uniforms, openly engaging each other. It is not an insurgency, as it is not localized. It is not the mere struggle to overthrow a government. On our side, it is a “war” against terrorism as a tactic. Plus, it is a “war” against Islamo-facism. Yet Islamo-facism is not a country, and has no standing army. They don’t wear uniforms.

What we have, basically, then, is a clash of civilizations—the values, religions, and culture of the West versus the values, religion and culture of the fundamentalist Islamic radicals.

We are in a war, if you want to call it that, but it is an asymmetric war, and against a civilization, not a nation. There will be no armies to defeat. The enemy aren’t guerillas in the traditional sense of the word. Still, it is global. The enemy won’t be satisfied with the overthrow of a single government. They want their far-flung caliphate.

We in America, and Europe, must prepare to fight this new kind of asymmetrical warfare. We lose the advantage of our mighty army. We must use all the tactics granted us by the Patriot Act, and more. We must learn new tactics. Our war colleges need to study insurgencies, terrorism, all kinds of asymmetrical warfare, and to develop better intelligence. Plus, we need to explain our case to the world, and win hearts and minds. This does not mean we hold back from defending ourselves because the world won’t like us. Rather, that we defend ourselves vigorously, while at the same time articulating why we are doing what we must do.

Finally, we must attack terrorism at its source. We must go after Syria and Iran, and even Saudi Arabia, in whatever way is prudent and necessary, to stop the funding of terror, and eliminate the indoctrination of whole populations, and especially of young minds. We can’t be liaise faire about this. We must present a reasonable, well-argued alternative to the hatred that is being taught in Islamic madrasahs.

(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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Join me in the war on error, in the fight for truth, justice, and the American way!


paz y amor said...

I think it's a fair assessment that we COULD be on the verge of WWIII based on the fact that there is so much riding on the outcome of a viable and lasting Middle East peace agreement. The reason why I don't it will ever happen is that Israel is a cultural enclave and their anti-terror tactics have isolated them from the rest of the world. Do they deserve to live in peace? Yes- they won the land on the battlefield and have successfully defended it, repeatedly. Are other countries willing to send thousands of their troops to fight a war on behalf of Israel should Syria, Lebabon, and SA decide to attack it? Doubt it, and the reason is that Israel is devoid of natural resources. Fighting to save Europe from Hitler was economically beneficial for the rest of world, kicking Saddam out of Kuwait was economically beneficial for the world. Protecting Israel from it's neighbors is morally justifiable indeed, but morality takes a backseat to money these days. The world HAS to have a good reason to send in troops, and religious fighting in the holy land isn't reason enough for that to happen. The reestablishment of the caliphate is a threat, but its a lot more minimal than the bushies and Rupert Murdoch would have you believe.

Anonymous said...

rock, what you've just said is NOT the neo-con ideology.

may be, (why, what am I blubbering! - OF COURSE !) it is what you want, but that's not the neo-con agenda.

you, probably, think you are a neo-con because you like them talking on FoxNews and, my guess is (unless you are a pro-Israeli activist), you just swallowed their propaganda hook, line and sinker...

if one wants to know what a neo-con ideology is - go to PNAC and read the source.
Neo-con agenda in 2 words is: WORLD DOMINANCE (through military power)

Now, of course, they claim that they are good guys, nice chaps, and likeable blokes.

Guess what ? All those who wanted world dominance called themselves "good", and claimed that all they want is "best for humanity" - all of them! - commies, nazies, islamists, neocons, you-name-them - what a fantastic coincidence !!!


I must admit, I am very enticed to sign up with the neocons - being a technical/engineering person, I am mesmerized by all those hi-tech toys: jets, tanks, missles, etc, also I can speak only with deepest admiration about eefectiveness of IDF (israeli defence force) and I applaud to military breakthroughs the US army demonstrated in 1st Gulf War, then in Afganistan and in Iraq War...

... and then someone (the devil?) whispers into my ear: "Come on, come on, look - there are so many tears, deaths, violence, injustice in the world, let's bring to them all the proven western values and democracy and happiness and well-being , - look, we have the tools to do it now, and as the Cold War is over - the West(America) is un-rivalled power now, and if we decide nobody would be able to resist, come on, come on..." ....

... but, fortunately, I know better now, and I've seen one such attempt at "world happiness" firsthandedly - when I lived in USSR,

and I know that THE PROBLEM with all "benevolent hegemons" is that there are specifit persons on the top of that world dominating power (whatever it is), -

and who would be those on the top of the Neocon World Order?

Look at Dubya - who wants him to be the Ruler of the World? Is the Congress as a whole any better? May be, Mr.Putin?

Rock said...

The last shall be first.

igor, finally I get a sense of who you are. Don't worry, I'm not being critical. You lived in the USSR, which explains a lot. No wonder you're paranoid.

Anyway, Bush is not Stalin, so you can relax on that issue. There is no great conspiracy to take over the world. It's amazing that libs give Bush so much credit for cunning and secrecy and behind the scenes maneuvering and at the same time call him the dumbest president in history. Which is it? Clever demon, or stupid mouthpiece?

Now I'll add you in, paz. Both of you ascribe too much evil to Bush. He's a good man. He's not a great communicator, as Reagan was, but he's doing some brilliant things in the world.

He has shaken up the Middle East, and it needed shaking. Yes, it's painful, but we still have a chance of coming out of this with a better world. I prefer this chance to the status quo of "cycle of violence." Let's get the upheavals going, and get some new democracies and pro-Western countries going.

I hope this happens before the weak-kneed Democrats sweep the upcoming elections, and then the next presidential elections. Alas, the American public doesn't have much staying power with wars, unless they get bombed again. The worst thing for the terrorists to do for their own cause before either the congressional or presidential elections would be to bomb America again. Then, the good, strong, noble Republicans, guided by the wonderful neo-cons, might have a chance to squeak by.

igor, I don't buy anybody's line. I'm totally independent. I'll criticize a neo-con if he's wrong, and praise you if you're right. All I care about is truth.

Anonymous said...


what makes you think that the "painful shake-up of the Middle East" is the best way out of current status quo?

please, show cons and pros of other solutions, and cou..... wait a sec, you don't see any other solution, don't you?

hasn't it occured to you, that the problem is not the lack of solutions, but your neoconian pigheaded-ness and shortsight-ness ?

Rock said...

I agree that there are always unintended consequences in any war. This is unfortunate. But you can't make decisions based on this, since no one has a crystal ball. You make decisions based on principle. Who are the good guys, and who are the bad guys. And yes, this is black and white thinking, something you libs (or whatever philsophy you ascribe to, you still haven't declared yourself) will never understand. You'd have negotiated with Hitler, given him another chance, called a peace conference, invited him to tea.

No. If somebody is killing innocents, they need to die.

Anonymous said...

ok, I'll try from another side:

you feel no qualms to go and "shake them up". It's the lives of millions people you are talking about, yet for you they are mere objects of "geopolitical game of chess" to "shake up". "Ah, yes, it's painful" - you coldbloodedly admit.

Tell me, what gave you a right to stomp into lives of millions of people on the other side of the planet and "shake them up" ?

Did they ask you to? or does the overwhelming military power of yours give you that right?

If you are the one with the gun, you can do whatever you want to whomever you want, is that how you think, rock?

Rock said...

They gave me the right when they came to my "house" and knocked down "my buildings" with 3,000 people in them, and when they now talk about sending more "gifts" like this. Yes, I think I have the right. Stop the terror, we'll stop the response. Stop trying to take over the world, we'll let you live in peace, as you choose.

By the way, igor, why don't you be brave and say what you believe, instead of sniping at everyone else. I know everyone in the world is wrong but you, but what do you believe in? Who are your heroes? Again I ask, do you like anyone in the world? Do you believe in anything, or are you just wasting your time hating everyone.

Anonymous said...

rock said:

They gave me the right when they came to my "house" and knocked down "my buildings" with 3,000 people in them...

and we are back to the starting point - and again back to your pigheaded stubborn refusal to see the obvious - to see what all 6.5 billion people see, except, it seems for you and a handful like you:

and why did they come to your "house" and knocked down "your buildings" (in 2001) ?
because you had been doing the same to them since end of WWII !

- first through support and financing of israeli invasion, then, in addition, with your own troops, and CIA agents, and through supporting bloody and corrupt dictators, and through "playing" them as pawns in our Cold War, and through setting one dictator against another, flooding their own lands with their own blood....

... and now, when they finally managed to lash out and actually got you (9/11) - you play innocence and cry "foul!" ? pleeeeese...

you should learn the following words by heart:

they hate us not because what we ARE, but because what we DO to them.

Rock said...

igor, I've hear this point of yours over and over, and we are not going to agree on any of it. I don't agree with your world view. So, you've had your say. Now, you don't need to say it anymore. I think you're wrong.

So, in the future, I'm going to respond only if you add something new, or become positive in some way.

I repeat, and cowards like you never will answer this question, what do you believe in? Who are your heroes? Do you like anyone in the world? Do you ever spend a day without hatred in your heart?

Answer these, or don't comment anymore. And if you do, you'll be talking to yourself.