Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Why Don't We Become the Insurgents? (Major Article!)

Fighting Like Gentlemen

Think of the dumb ways that wars used to be fought. In both the Revolutionary and even the Civil War, soldiers would simply form lines opposite each other, stand there and fire point blank into each other’s ranks. They stood like idiots (of course they weren’t, it was just the way things were done) opposite each other in the open, not even crouching, not even hiding. Soldiers would fall, and the last ones standing were the winners. They fought like gentlemen. How stupid! We finally did learn the lessons of war from the Native Americans, who did the ungentlemanly thing of hiding behind trees.


Insurgents are causing problems all over the world, from the Philippines to Spain to Iraq. They blend in with the population, attack, then disappear back into anonymity. Guerilla warfare succeeded in the past in many places, as in Cuba and Vietnam.

Insurgencies, if they are large enough, and supported by enough of the populace, usually eventually win. There is no way you can beat them, short of extermination.

The Iraqi Insurgency and Vietnam

Presently, the U.S. is facing a powerful insurgency in Iraq. It is a useless endeavor for us unless the Iraqis begin to fight for their country. Too many Iraqis, evidently, are supporting the insurgency. It is a recipe for our failure. Unfortunately, and I’ve hesitated to say this, the situation is becoming similar to Vietnam.

First, because of the stubborn insurgency, and second, because of America’s unwillingness to fight to win, due to political correctness and/or fear of political ramifications.

How We Can Win in Iraq

For us to win in Iraq, I believe, we have only two choices. We fight to win, or we become the insurgents.

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The option I favor is to fight to win. This would mean being ruthless, as we were in WWII —ala Dresden, Berlin, Tokyo, Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We accepted that war is hell and innocents die, and got it over with. Then, we won, relatively fast, ultimately saving lives. Fighting to win in Iraq would mean taking the gloves off. This means annihilating Iraqi villages that harbor insurgents, and so on. Bush and company don’t seem to have the cajones, nor the leadership skills to wage such a war. They are afraid of world and voter opinion, American newspapers and leftists. Where is Harry Truman when we need him?

The second alternative is my idea. I’ve not heard it expressed anywhere. It’s out of the box thinking:

We Become the Insurgents

Now, the terrorists, sometimes called insurgents by the anti-American left, which includes CNN and the New York Times, have taken the concept of “ungentlemanly warfare” to its ultimate conclusion. They don’t just blend in with the population; they don’t just hide behind trees anymore; they hide behind women and children.

I think the only way to beat them is at their own game. Not by becoming terrorists, not by hiding behind women and children—but by becoming guerillas.

Again, I don’t mean terrorists. What I mean is, we retreat to safety, somewhere in the region. We watch. When we see a terrorist training camp being built, we hit it with overwhelming force, then retreat back to our safety. When we see nuclear weapons being built, we attack, destroy them, and then retreat. The same goes for warplanes, tanks, you name it. In and out. We attack their shipping, their airports, and their infrastructure. We develop a network of spies and blend in with the population.

Attack and retreat. Attack and retreat. We do not become targets. We let them be the targets.

We stop all this guerilla activity when they rid themselves of their extremists.

The Most Powerful Insurgency in History

I think it’s a brilliant idea. We keep our boys out of harm’s way, but ready to inflict maximum damage at a moment’s notice. We don’t have our boys hanging around like sitting ducks for snipers and IEDs. We don’t continue in our modern day equivalent of standing opposite the enemy and firing point blank.

Think of it. We could create the most powerful insurgency in the history of mankind. I believe that we would eventually be a popular insurgency too. We’d finally be perceived as winners in the region, and we’d be still be fighting for a noble cause as we are now. We’d become the model for insurgencies instead of the whipping boy of them.

Fight to Win, or Become the Insurgents

I’m serious. I think Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the American generals ought to take my advice on this one. Bush and generals, are you listening? Step up and become the victors. Either fight to win, or become the insurgents!


(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.)

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