Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm Going to Do It

I'm going to contribute money to a Democrat!"This is my post for today.

I'm going to contribute money to a Democrat. This will be the first time I've done this in a long time. I am confident that thousands of Americans will join me in saving the political career of a man of courage. Joe Lieberman is going to win his senate race, there is no doubt about it.

(*Wikipedia is always my source unless indicated.) This Post’s Technorati Tags: , , ,

Join me in the war on error, in the fight for truth, justice, and the American way! Wanna swap links? It’ll help us both. Truth—The No Spin Politically Incorrect Zone">post


paz y amor said...

Well- it's apparent that democratic voters in Connecticut don't want Lieberman as a senator- but I think you're making a statement with your donation. I have a few question of course about your support for this "liberal":

1. Is Lieberman "brave" only because he is openly supporting the war effort against the platform of the dems?

2. Would you be as supportive of Lieberman if he was, say, indifferent or less supportive of US involvement in Iraq?

3. Aside from the Iraq issue, what about his politics do you like?

and finally,

4. How did you honestly feel about Lieberman when he was Gore's running mate?

paz y amor said...
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Rock said...

paz y amor, I have to admit that you're good. Really good. These are great questions, but I feel pretty clear on my answers.

1. Is Lieberman "brave" only because he is openly supporting the war effort against the platform of the dems?

Yes. I think he is brave because of his support of the war effort in Iraq. There are other Democratic senators, like Hillary Clinton, who came out strongly for the war, but now are waffling because they've gotten burned for taking this stance. The crowd are flexing their muscles. Every Democratic in the country is running for the hills, away from anything that resembles supporting the war. Hillary even went so far as to ask for Rumsfeld's resignation.

2. Would you be as supportive of Lieberman if he was, say, indifferent or less supportive of US involvement in Iraq?

No, I would not be as supportive of Lieberman if he was indifferent or less supportive of the war in Iraq. After all, he is a liberal, and I am a conservative. On the other hand, I hold several liberal positions, so I'm not going to reject him because of his liberal ideas. He has enough conservative ideas, if you include support for the Iraq war, and his respect for family and faith, that I can support him wholeheartedly.

3. Aside from the Iraq issue, what about his politics do you like?

He seems different from other Democrats at this time because he is an honest man. He remains political, but there are some things he won't do just to get elected. He is conservative on issues like family, faith, and support for Israel.

4. How did you honestly feel about Lieberman when he was Gore's running mate?

When Lieberman ran with Gore, he was faithful to Gore's philosophies, and Gore is far left. So, Lieberman did sell out during the campaign, and I wasn't impressed with him. Before the campaign, and now afterwards, he has gotten back to the things he really believes in. He is closer to the classic liberal that I always talk about, like Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy.